a brothers pain | Teen Ink

a brothers pain

November 19, 2015
By blade74 SILVER, Hemet, California
blade74 SILVER, Hemet, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You don't truly know yourself until the very end sence at this point you can't go on and change who you were, this is what death is about, not something to fear but a final lesson

A world consumed by hatred and war. In it, two twin brothers who grew up living together, the oldest Hatakka a wise boy always seeking to better the world, his younger brother Shira a little boy quick to snap. When they were 5 they watched their parents get murdered for some worthless change a man could not afford, shira held resentment toward Hatakka for not being able to save them and has sworn to kill him the next time they meet. It has been 25 years since they last saw each other and since then Shira has made an army and has set out to kill the now reigning emperor and take his place, when he gets a letter through his servants.

    “who dares disturb me” shira barked

“pardon me sir a letter has just arrived”

      “from?” shira asked

“it says ‘little brother’ my lord”

      “leave it there, now leave” shira commanded.

“yes sir”

what could he possibly want.

Shira opened the letter:
   Little brother, my old friend, darkness has destroyed a once kind soul, blood covers our world and fills in the many gaps left by pain, yet still I don’t understand why you resent me and wish for my death. We were once brothers you and I, now it is to my knowledge through the many wars of our lands, that you wish a battle between us. One that will bring us together and yet in the death of one separate our souls for eternity. You feel perhaps of pain or envy, that I cannot help in, all that I understand is that you have fallen into evil, you desire power and a place in life over others before you. It is a greed that once did not live inside you, and now you see that I am threat to your hopes, for I wish to be at peace, and now I can only do that by killing you if you wish, we can stop here, live your life out through the help of others if not meet me were the moon touches our parents grave on the day that the year dies and a new one is born. Hopefully one of us will not have to die along with the year-Hatakkaa

if he thinks he can scare me with a little letter I’ll show him otherwise, a new year you say brother only 4 more moons until then and at that time one of us shall die.

The days went by and Both Hatakka and shira travelled to their destination

why little brother do you resent me so much, we were 5 at the time yet you had already wanted to change our world and now you say all that stands between you and that, is me, well then tomorrow one of us won’t need to think anymore since we won’t be able to.

The day came and the wind blew both brothers towards each other. There Hatakka saw his little brother, no what was left of his little brother with a sword in his hand. Shira saw a weak little boy that dared call himself related to him, it angered him to have to call such a pathetic scum his blood.

“so you decided to come little brother”

     “Don’t call me that, after today I will be the only descendant left of my parents”

“hatred has consumed you, and now you are no longer the little child our parents called a son”

       “Then prove it!!”

At this Shira lunged for Hatakka’s throat, but Hatakka proved he wasn’t as weak either he sheathed a knife from his sleeve with enough strength to stop his brothers attack, he swiftly proceeded to grab Shiras arm and swipe at his leg. Unable to keep his balance Shira fell to the floor but not without kicking Hatakka in the face leaving a footprint on his right cheek. They both stared at each other for a few seconds

“you are strong little brother”

      “ I told you not to call me that” yelled shira

Angrily Shira dug his sword into the dirt which he then proceeded to kick upward towards Hatakka’s face blinding him momentarily. That's all he needed he wielded his sword so it would stab Hatakka’s heart, but Hatakka’s right eye had not been blinded he stepped out of the way just in time and when Shira passed him he struck for his little brothers ribs with his own dagger, but stopped midway for he remembered his little brother as a child and could not go through with killing him. Shira seized the opportunity and stuck for his arm, but Hatakka blocked it with a small dagger.
      “Enough games! We settle this now!” Shira roared

And with that he lunged at Hatakka’s heart, forcing Hatakka to do the same, but instead of seeing the monster his little brother became, he saw his little brother always laughing and smiling

‘one day I’m going to change the world big brother’ do you still remember those words little brother or have you fallen so deep into hatred that you can’t recognize yourself. I can’t see you like this anymore, maybe one day you’ll forgive me, but I see what I must do now

The two brothers meet with swords, met with death in hand, met with a meaning. One to help. The other to end. Hatakka felt a deep pain in his chest, but not as deep as the one he felt emotionally for his brother. Shira didn’t feel a pain if anything he felt a little bump pushing against his chest. He looked down only to find the handle end of his brothers sword against his chest and saw the place they were standing on top was the exact spot where their parents were buried, and then he felt it a single raindrop on his forehead and with another drop falling from the sky to the ground so did his brother

The author's comments:

a sibling is something to charish, not one to fight. One will never know when they leave, so remember who they are

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