Richards crazy day | Teen Ink

Richards crazy day

December 23, 2015
By minecraft50 BRONZE, Gales Ferry, Connecticut
minecraft50 BRONZE, Gales Ferry, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 A warm midsummer night in the middle of August a husband just got home from a long day at work. “Oh my god yes, I am finally home,” says Richard
“Alright” says Beth as Richard slumps down on the couch.
“I had an incredibly long day at the dealership like a snail going across a road long,” says Richard. “At least the wind was nice as a batch of flowers,” says richard
“ You had a long day, I had a long day! It was nonstop police chases and everything! On the even more worse matters is that I had a rocket nearly hit my car like a dog at high speed,” says Beth. Richard then gets up from his seat and starts yelling at his wife and then there daughter Rebecca comes in waken up from all the yelling,
“What's going on?,” asks Rebecca as she is half awake.
“Nothing!,” yells Richard “I was just heading out”. Richard leaves the house and slams the door behind him and sighs.

Meanwhile on the other side of town yellow hand had just robbed his 5th bank in a row without being stopped. “HAHAHAHA, what's that $3,000,000,000 I am rich like Michael Jackson rich,” says Yellow  Hand.
  “Not so fast yellow hand,” says Officer Johnson
“You still have to deal with me and my partners,” says Officer Johnson
  “HA, you fools think you can stop me, say hello to my little friend,” says Yellow Hand as he pulls out a rocket launcher.
  “Crud” cries Officer Johnson. After a long battle of rockets and bullets being fired Yellow Hand finally gets into his getaway car and speeds off.
“HAHA, maybe next time Johnson or maybe never because you only dream of catching me you fool,” says Yellow Hand.
  “How do I catch this guy I have tried everything but follow him because of that rocketlauncher he has, I guess it’s time to take a risk” says Officer Johnson.

“That woman I say she is as struggling to deal with than my own job literally,” says Richard as he pulls into a bar. As he walks in the bar he says
  “I want the most alcoholic drink you have that wont kill me,” says Richard.
As Richard takes a big gulp Yellow Hand just pulled in “I think I need a victory drink,” says Yellow Hand.
As Yellow Hand walks in he sees Richard and takes a seat next to him.
“Why are you here,” asks Richard
“It’s my favorite place in the world,” says Yellow hand.

“Hey what’s your name stranger,” says Richard
“Jack, Jack White,” says Yellow Hand
“Hi Jack I am Richard and I am here because of my wife, she can really be a crazy person,” says Richard.
“Bad luck for you, I never got married,” says Yellow Hand making up a story.
  “Hey why don’t you come with me for a while, come see me when you're done I am parked out back,” says Yellow Hand.
  “Ok” says Richard.

  As Richard finishes up Yellow Hand goes and prepares his rocket launcher.
“Coming,” says Richard
“OK,” says Yellow Hand as he hides behind the door. As Richard walks out the door and turns around he sees Yellow Hand with the rocket launcher.
  “Jack point that away from me, Ok,” says Richard.
  “I am not Jack White, I am Yellow Hand and do you have any last words.” says Yellow Hand. “Goodby Rebecca, I love you” says Richard.
  “Loser” says Yellow Hand as he fires his rocket launcher but missed because of a shot in the arm.
“My Arm,” cries Yellow Hand
  “Not so fast Yellow Hand, drop the rocket launcher and hands behind your back” says Officer Johnson, “How did you find me?” asks Yellow Hand,
“I followed you” says Officer Johnson. As Yellow Hand is in court the next day Officer Johnson tells Richard's wife what happened to him and why he is in the hospital.
“Oh my god, I have to go see him”says Beth and Rebecca then goes to hide in her room and cry
“I am coming too,” yells Rebecca . Yellow hand gets the death punishment by his very own weapon.
“Now the city is safe from Yellow Hands wrath.”says Officer Johnson.

The author's comments:

This narretive I wrote for 8th grade LA reflecting the theme of action.

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