Friendships Can Save Lives | Teen Ink

Friendships Can Save Lives

January 14, 2016
By joshysloshy BRONZE, Huntsville, Alabama
joshysloshy BRONZE, Huntsville, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once, on a nice sunny day, there was a large, fierce cat who was snoozing in the yard.  There was also a robin who was searching for fat, juicy worms as he hopped along the ground.  As he continued hopping along, not looking at where he was heading, he bumped into the cat.  The cat awoke and instantly clamped his paw over the unsuspecting robin.  The cat opened his jaws to bite into the startled robin when the robin cried fearfully, “I beg you.  If you will forgive me this time, I will never forget your kindness.  I meant no harm.  If you spare my life, perhaps I may be able to do good in return because of your mercy.”
The cat began to laugh.  He laughed and laughed because he could not believe the robin’s request.  “How could a tiny creature like you ever do anything to help me?”  the cat chuckled.  “Oh, well,” he replied, looking down at the quivering robin, who was noticeably frightened. “You wouldn’t make more than a mouthful anyway.”  He took his paw off the poor little creature, and the robin swiftly flew away.
  Some time after this, the cat was sleeping in the yard and the robin was flying overhead.  The robin spotted a pack of coyotes headed in the direction of the cat.  The coyotes were desperately hungry because they had not eaten in many days.  Noticing the cat was in danger; the robin swooped down and attempted to wake up the cat.  The cat would not wake up, so the robin began to dive bomb him until he awoke.  By that time the coyotes had spotted the cat and had begun to chase after him.  The cat took off, running frantically.  As he was running he remembered about the garage door, which was cracked just enough for him to get through.  So he made a dash for the opening beneath the garage door.  The coyotes were catching up.  Just as the coyotes were about to reach their prey, the cat rounded the corner and ducked down under the garage door.  The coyotes crashed with a bang!  “Thank you robin!” the cat exclaimed breathlessly.  “You did help me, even though I am big and you are so little.  I see now that kindness is always worthwhile.  Even the strong sometimes need the friendship of the weak.”

The author's comments:

My cat Keno is a frequent subject of my writing.  He has been on many adventures.  He also has many sleepy spots, and lounging in our front yard is one of them.  Coyotes roam the area at night and we worry he won't stay indoors and will one day fall victim to these predators.

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