The Princess and the Troll | Teen Ink

The Princess and the Troll

January 20, 2016
By MichaelH SILVER, Op, Kansas
MichaelH SILVER, Op, Kansas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A long time ago in a kingdom far far away there lived a troll; this troll was no ordinary troll his name was Joshua and he was royalty. Joshua was a fair prince in his Troll kingdom. Joshua was a tall, strong, Handsome (for a troll), agile, young, loud, bellowing, and powerful friendly troll who always wore blue. Joshua's mother died shortly after his birth so he grew up with his father. In a neighboring kingdom of other trolls there lived Joshua's love, Princess Sharlette. Sharlette was a smart, beautiful, impressive, royal, polite, funny, and charming young lady who usually wears a purple dress.
One day Joshua learned that Sharlette had been kidnaped by the evil witch. Joshua knew what he had to do; he ventured to his best friend Chucky’s house and requested that he would go on a trek with him to the evil witches wasteland to find Sharlette. Naturally chucky agreed, but before they could go they would have to train. The kingdoms armory overseer lucky the leprechaun offered to train them and give them guidance throughout their journey; he is short, smart, scheming, well versed in all fighting styles and always carried a pot of gold he was the best choice for a shamen.

Joshua and Chucky trained for many days and finally they were satisfied. After their training Joshua was well versed with a club and Chucky excelled with a sword. With the Ring that Joshua's father gave to him that was supposed to give him strength. They were both ready to start their journey. They packed and headed off for the evil witch Ursula's wasteland; of course Chuckey was rather squirrelly and was cracking jokes the entire time. They were both ready to evade the evil witches serpent like evil schemes.

During the course of their journey they encounter Jadzia; Jadzia is a mermaid that is attractive, persuasive, enticing young woman who usually wears red. Jadzia is constantly trying to lure Joshua and Chucky away from their path. Jadzia wants to marry Joshua; that means she was offering riches and gold because Jadzia was very rich. Joshua is lucky that Chucky is always there to help Joshua keep moving forward and looking for the real goal because Joshua was distracted and also believed that the power seeking Jadzia would be a great queen of the kingdom of trolls.

After the encounter with Jadzia The two men treked across the perilous wasteland. As night approached they found themselves tired and struggling with dehydration and hunger. They somehow managed to find a small pond with a few fish in it. They also managed to gather a few twigs; they used their newly learned skills and started a fire and make camp for the night. When they awoke the sun was high in the sky and their fire had died down; they quickly got ready and started their journey again. This day seemed easier as they had gotten some good rest and a good meal. They soon reached the evil witch's castle.

They looked up into the tallest tower they could see the beautiful young Scharlette and the evil witch ursula there with her. Joshua and Chucky knew that they would be seen soon; they knew they had to prepare for battle. Joshua readied his club and Chucky drew his sword soon enough the troops came in Joshua was clubbing them steadily; Chucky was also doing well himself. Joshua knew with all the troops coming at them that they could not defeat them all; he told chucky to take the rope and go rescue the princess. as ordered chucky scampered up the wall of the tallest tower and found the princess. They both repelled down the tower and escaped with Joshua  running back in the direction of the troll kingdom.
    The journey back to the troll kingdom was not as treacherous as the first journey. The troops had stopped pursuing and the three of them were heading back to the troll kingdom after a quick break. As soon as Sharlette, Chucky, and Joshua got to the gates of the kingdom they were welcomed with a large reception in the gardens of the troll kingdoms. Not just a reception a wedding reception for Joshua and Scarlette; Chucky was best man. The two troll kingdoms were united and they all lived happily ever after.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece while learning about archetyple themes in stories, so within it there are many examples of archetypes. I hope you enjoy it!

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