stranded | Teen Ink


March 11, 2016
By dakotakennedy BRONZE, Papllion, Nebraska
dakotakennedy BRONZE, Papllion, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Hey Ricco” said cam.
Rico and cam are two brothers that are like best friends. The two are in separable, you couldn’t catch one without the other.
“What do you want cam” asked Ricco.
“I think we just won tickets to the New York Mets vs the New York Yankees”
“No way, ur kidding me right” exclaimed Ricco.
“No I’m serous and you already know the Yankees are about to give them a beating” said cam.
The two boys were always super competitive with each other it didn’t matter what they were doing they both wanted more than anything to beat each other. Cam is the younger brother and Ricco is the big bro. Ricco was the best older brother you could ask for he was always looking out for cam and making sure he was safe because they lived in New York City witch is notorious for their crime rate. Ricco was 20 and cam was 18 but the two of them both still live with their mom.
“Do you think mom is going to let us go to the game?” asked cam
“Well of course she’s going to let us go why wouldn’t she?” said Ricco
The boy’s mom wasn’t very strict because she had lots of trust in the boys and knew they were smart enough to handle a lot of stuff on their own.
So the boys waited for their mom to return home from work. It was about nine a.m.  O’clock when she arrived home the boys were so excited for the game only because it was the day of and the game was in a couple hours.
“Hey momma” said cam
“What’s up sons?”
“Well cam and I were wondering if we could get a couple bucks for the game tonight cam won some tickets online and we can’t pass up this opportunity” said Ricco
“Why of course you guys need money, you guys really need to get a job before I kick you guys to the crib.”
“Thanks mom love you were leaving in one hour so we can get food and what not before we get seated.”
Ricco the older one was more swaged out that Cam only because cam didn’t really care what people said about his appearance so he wore what he thought would be most comfy. Ricco put on his favorite pair of light jeans with his Mets blue and orange jersey. Cam put on his fav pair of kakis shorts on with his white pin striped Yankee jersey.
“All right lets go cam we don’t want to be late!” said Ricco
  As the boys took off for the city Ricco just remember he didn’t have enough gas to make it their or back. As the car starts to slow down and shut off cam and Ricco are scared cause they are in a bad part of town. Ricco had a brand new Beemer a typical rich kid car in NYC.  As the boys get out of their car they see a group of hoodlums walking towards their car.
“Can I help you guys?” asked cam
“Yeah actually just give me the keys and there won’t be any trouble.”
“No way ur getting my keys” said Ricco giving the men a dirty look like they were crazy for even asking for the keys.
The hoodlums began to get angry and didn’t like the disrespect from the boys. But little did they know Ricco and cam were two boys who were athletic and knew how to fight, the hoodlums made an attempt to jump the two but the boys came out on top and left the hoodlums lying in the street as cam ran to get a gas can and gas for the car. They eventually made it to the stadium but Ricco wasn’t too happy cause the Mets ending up losing the game by a walk off homerun by arrod.

The author's comments:

I love writting about sports and things i love. this writting is something id like to do besides some of the crazy stuff but i would love to go see a yankee game.

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