Sir Brenndan of the East | Teen Ink

Sir Brenndan of the East

March 22, 2016
By Nater_Greater BRONZE, Sioux City, Iowa
Nater_Greater BRONZE, Sioux City, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time, there was a brave knight named Sir Brenndan of the East. He was a powerful knight that traveled from town to town. In terms of physical apperance, he was incredibly muscular, as a good knight should be. Upon his face, he had a scraggly goatee and dashing green eyes. He wore a suit of black armor that was as dark as night. He rode a noble steed of the name Shadowmere. However it was not a traditional steed. Shadowmere was the best donkey in all the lands. He never let Sir Brenndan down. As a knight, Sir Brenndan traveled to the local taverns and listened to quests from the local townspeople. However, the majority of the quest that he accepted often involved women that needed saving. He was often more interested in the gold and the women than actually helping the townpeople. But this would suddenly change.

One day, he traveled to one of the local towns, looking for the finests grains for Shadowmere. After purchasing the grains and bringing Shadowmere to the stable, he grew a thirst for mead. He entered the town’s tavern to order his drink. Sitting alone at a table, he drank his mead. As he was taking a swig, he saw a dark, cloaked figure enter the room. Traveling along the walls, the man briskly walked over to Sir Brenndan’s table. He then took the seat across from Sir Brenndan.
“Hello sir,” said Sir Brenndan.
“I have heard many tales of you and your questing and I have a quest for you,” said the mysterious man.
“That sounds intriguing, but if you know so much about me, you must know that I am very specific on the quest that I accept,” responded Sir Brenndan.
“This quest involves are very unique woman,” said the mysterious man.
“You have piqued my interest. I accept your quest,” replied Sir Brenndan.
The mysterious man proceeded to slide a small scroll across the table. Sir Brenndan unrolled the scroll and read it contents. It said that there was a princess in a castle guarded by an army of trolls. This princess would eventually rule a large kingdom and inherit a large fortune. Her name was Princess Noel. The scroll told Sir Brenndan that all he had to do was slay all the trolls and find the princess and she would be all his. At the bottom of the scroll was a map to the location of the castle. The scroll also stated that Princess Noel would reside in the tallest tower. Sir Brenndan put the scroll down and to his surprise, the man was already gone.
Mounting Shadowmere, Sir Brenndan began to follow the map to the location of the castle. The map lead him to a large forest. Entering the forest, he saw small woodland creatures all around. However, as he delved deeper into the forest, each step that Shadowmere took seemed to make the forest darker. Sir Brenndan noticed this but was unafraid. He no longer saw the small forest creatures; instead, the forest was filled with howls of wolves and ominous screeches. Still unshaken, Sir Brenndan and Shadowmere continued on. Finally seeing the end of the dreary forest, he emerged into a clearing. After his eyes had adjusted to the light, his jaw dropped.
In the middle of the clearing was a massive castle. As a roaming knight, Sir Brenndan had seen his fair share of large castles, but this one topped them all. He was approaching the castle when suddenly, a large group of trolls appeared from the forest. Surrounding him in a circle, they prepared their fists to smash Sir Brenndan. Drawing his sword, Sir Brenndan dismounted Shadowmere and prepared to fight. One of the trolls let out a ear-shattering battle cry and charged. With the skill of a master swordsman, Sir Brenndan easily dodged the charging troll and swung his sword. Finishing its charge, the troll fell to the ground, killed by Sir Brenndan’s slice. With a glimmer in his eye, Sir Brenndan began to engage the other trolls in combat. With each stroke of his sword, another troll fell. With the grace of a ballerina, he leapt around the clearing, slaying every troll in sight. After he had disposed of all of the enemies, he entered the castle. Taking the flight of stairs, he ascended the tallest tower. He approached the door and tested the handle. Realizing that it was locked, Sir Brenndan used his powerful legs and kicked down the door. As the door fell down, he looked into the room and saw a beautiful dressed being. However, the figure was turned away from him. He examined her beautiful hair and wonderful figure.
“Hello m’lady,” said Sir Brenndan.
“Hello,” the maiden replied in low, grumbling voice.
The fair maiden turned around, revealing her troll face. It was at that moment that Sir Brenndan realized that the troll standing in front of him was actually the woman he had sought for, Princess Noel. Disgusted, Sir Brenndan charged and pierced her troll abdomen. Disappointed from the outcome of the quest, Sir Brenndan turned to leave the room and walked right into the mysterious man from the tavern. Sir Brenndan was incredibly astonished.
“Hello, Sir Brenndan,” said the mysterious man.
“You tricked me! You said that she would be beautiful!” , exclaimed Sir Brenndan.
“I never said anything of the sort,” replied the mysterious man, “I have descended from above to teach you a lesson about your greed and lust.”
In a flash, the mysterious man vanished. It was only then that Sir Brenndan realized that a holy being had personally showed him the error of his ways. From then on, Sir Brenndan used his mighty knight skills to help all of the townpeople. He never again only sought for women and gold. For the remainder of his life, he lived righteously and happily.

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