Distracted Boy | Teen Ink

Distracted Boy

May 16, 2016
By Faraca.Maraca BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
Faraca.Maraca BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a nice Saturday morning in a small little town named Roofus, there was a
boy just running around and this man approached with a dog and said “Hi little boy, I
have this dog and I can’t keep him anymore, I was wondering if you would want him?”
the boy screamed “oh my god yes yes yes yes” and started to pet the dog. The man
proceeded to say “ok but the dog bites people runs away a lot and tears stuff up” not
paying much attention the boy said “whatever that's fine”. They went their separate

The boy ran home with the dog, who was playful at the time, when he got home
he told his parents that he got this nice dog and the parents told him “ok son you can
keep the dog, but you have to take care of him, you have to walk him and pick up after
him as well as make sure he gets fed” the son said “ok ok ok yayayayayay”.

The parents asked the boy “what's his name?” the boy quickly responded “FRECKLES!!!” “alright” the parents said. The weekend was great, everyone was having fun, the dog and the boy were getting along and everything. But then Monday came, the parents went to work and the boy went to school. After they left the dog got really confused on what just happened, he was now alone. He didn’t like being alone, he started to go crazy he was running around the house and tearing up blankets and pillows and just making a mess everywhere.

When the boy and the parents got home they were very surprised, they looked around the house and asked themselves “what happened?” then they looked at the dog and he was just curled up in a corner, the boy went to go pet him and when he reached the dog tried to bite the boy, the boy got scared. The parents ran over and grabbed the boy and thought that they should go talk to the man who the boy got the dog from.

When they found the man the parents asked him “why is the dog  going crazy?” The man was a little confused and responded “the boy didn’t tell you? I told the boy that the dog bites sometimes, runs, and like to tear stuff up when nobody is around”. The parents were surprised and sent a look toward the boy and said “why didn’t you tell us this?” all the boy was able to say was “idk I…I just didn’t really pay attention, all I was thinking was that we were finally gonna get a dog” the parents sighed and asked the man “do you think you could take the dog back?” the man said “sure”.

The man took the dog back and left the family’s lives for good. The parents then decided that they had to teach their son how to listen to people and not to be caught up with any one thing. After they did that the family was happier than ever, the boy was listening and everything was good. THE END

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