My True Love | Teen Ink

My True Love

May 16, 2016
By Scott.O BRONZE, Lihue, Hawaii
Scott.O BRONZE, Lihue, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was walking down the dirt road, the hot sun was shinning extra bright. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky, you could see the moon in the sky, it rose early that day. The road was dry and with each step I took, I could hear the crunching of the rocks moving from the dry dirt below my feet. As I was walking I could faintly hear the sound of the running water. As I continued to walk it got louder and louder until I could see the cold, clear water through the trees that separated me from the pond.
The plants and flowers around the pond were lush. The pond gave the plants around it life. When I walked up to the pond, I could smell the ?awapuhi. It was like a blanket of air that was made out of the ?awapuhi. When my feet touched the water my entire body shivered from the coldness. I slowly proceeded to get in the water till about my waist area. Once there, I dove into the water, my everything was cold. In the water, I only let my head be above the water. What felt like ten minutes of swimming turned out to be an hour. I looked up and it was getting dark. Finally waling out of the water, from my toes to my nose was numb from the water. Walking out I had trouble standing up.
Finally out of the water I dried myself off with my towel. When I regained feeling in my legs I took my towel and followed the stream, I heard it leads to a nice beach so I decided to check it out.
I walked for about twenty minutes before I could hear the waves crashing on the beach. Anxiously, I sped up to get to the beach. When I could see the beach, I saw the rocky shores that surrounded the sandy beach, there was a lot of trash along the beach, it made me so sad to see. I walked along the beach and stumbled across a golden statue. The statue was a woman with a dog by her side. I felt good by the statue, it filled the loneliness I suffered by going on this adventure by my self. I sat down by the statue and looked out to the sea. The sun was going to set soon, the part of the sky closer to the sun, a unique shade of blue mixed with gray as it faded to a deep purple on the other side of the world, where the sun hardly reached. The clouds, a bright pink with streaks and high lights of orange.
As soon as the sun set and it got dark, I lied back, lying on the plastic and rubbish left by others, I quickly sat back up and cleared the area around me. I laid back down and looked at the sky, it was even more beautiful. The moon directly above me, I could see all the stars. There was so many stars, more stars then there was sand on the beach, more stars than there was plastic on the beach. It was almost like the stars were a reflection on the sand and plastic on the beach. When I sat up again, I dusted off by back to get the sand off, it wasn’t until then did I realize how bright the moon was. I could see the rocks on each side of the beach. I looked out to the sea, I could see the reflection of the moon on the glossy, still water. I laid back down and fell asleep on the warm sand, warm from the sun.
Lying down by the statue, thinking back at the day, I fell in love with the beach. Even though it had its flaws and it wasn’t perfect, I fell in love with it, for the hidden beauty I could see in it, I still remembered that dream.

The author's comments:

This piece is talking about my dream place to be at home. 

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