The Silver Necklace | Teen Ink

The Silver Necklace

May 26, 2016
By TaliaJohnson BRONZE, Atascadero, California
TaliaJohnson BRONZE, Atascadero, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The silver heart necklace tumbled out of his hands as he struggled to climb onto the shore. Sitting up on the hot sand, Jones gasped for breath while he watched Will pull the dinghy up out of the shallows and beach it on the shore. “I thought you said I get to hold onto the silver heart if I was the one to distract those guards so you could be the one to grab it?” Will said holding out his hand towards Jones.
Standing up, Jones said, “After all, I never lie. Here.” He tossed the necklace to Will. “And didn’t I tell you we’d escape the HMS Amethyst without a scratch on us? You never believe me.” Jones said walking toward the dinghy.
“Change is difficult, I guess. I suppose ever since the King Henry job, I’ve been having trouble believing everything you say.” Will said sitting down on the sand.
“In the past, mate. Besides, I kept my word about how we would steal the loot of a hundred kings and not get caught, did I not?” Jones said as he pulled a golden chest out of the boat and set it in front of Will, “After all, I never lie.”
Will sat staring silently at the stunning chest , expecting to see riches surpassing his imagination, “Amazing.”
“Why don’t I put the necklace back in the boat to insure we won’t misplace it? And you can open the chest? Huh, mate?” Jones said holding out his hand assuringly.
“Sure. But don’t be too long, I can’t wait for you to see what lies in store for us inside this chest.” As Jones walked towards the dinghy, Will pulled out his blade from his belt and began working the deposits around the opening of the chest. From floating soundly inside the dinghy, now yards away from the shore, Jones watched as Will broke the lock off the chest and swung open the lid. Will was taken aback by what was perceived to have been seen. “Empty? It’s Empty.” Will said incredulously. Will turned to look at where Jones would be putting the necklace inside the boat, but surprisingly was shocked to see the boat not where he had pulled it up on the shore, but to have see it now floating away from the island with Jones sitting inside. “You scoundrel! You deceived me!” Will yelled to Jones.
Leaning over the side of the boat, Jones shouted back, “Thieves are never to be trusted. After all, I never lie.”

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