Just another day... | Teen Ink

Just another day...

June 6, 2016
By FailedAttempt BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
FailedAttempt BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

After work I decided to take a walk on the beach. I had a long day, was very tired, and my sister just died last week. I needed some alone time, so I thought walking on my little secret hideaway would be the best place to have some alone time. While driving there, a black Chevy Trailblazer was tailgating me the entire 19 mile drive. Once I got there, I pulled over. The Trailblazer did as well...I was getting concerned so I grabbed my knife. Something didn’t feel right...
I got out of my car and started walking to the car behind me. The door opened and I gripped the 4 inch flip knife in my pocket, harder. I could feel the cold, hard edges of the knife handle in my palm. A blond, caucasian woman got out of the car. She was stunningly beautiful, wearing medium heels, tight jeans, and a black sleeveless top.
“Hi there, why were you following me, not to mention tailgating me this entire trip?”
“Both of your brake lights were out.” Her voice was unreal. It was so smooth, so sexy, so perfect.
“You followed me, some guy you don’t know, 19 miles to tell me my break lights were out? Why?” I had so many other questions besides that, but I knew now wasn’t the time. I was still scared I would be killed
“Well, that wasn’t the only reason. I was tailgating you so you wouldn’t get pulled over. The police in this area are relentless. You also dropped your phone and wallet when you were looking for your keys. And your suitcase is on top of your car.” I turned around and looked at the roof of my car, simultaneously feeling all of my pockets to see if she was telling the truth...She was. I’ve always been clumsy, but this is a new record.
“Well goddamn I had no idea. Thank you so much Miss....”
“Kelli Jensen” I really fancied that name, i’m not sure why
“Well, Miss. Jensen, th-”
“Call me Kelli”
“-Kelli, thank you. I appreciate it. May I have my things back?”
“Maybe after a walk.” she said, nodding her head towards the beach.
“Well...I was going to walk alone...I had a rough day. I need some time to think”
“We all have those days. Why not talk to a random stranger about it...Mr...”
“Spencer Nolan...And I don’t know...I was planning on being here for a few hours.” In reality I wanted to walk with her. I wanted to know who she was. I wanted to tell her everything. She was attractive and interesting. I had so many questions. But I didn’t want to come on too strong. And I was only going to be here till the sun was set.
“That’s fine. I have time.” Thank god.
“Then let’s go, Kelli....wait before we go, you aren’t some crazy psychopath that is planning on killing me, are you?”
“Oh darn, ya found me out” she said sarcastically
“I’m sorry, I just worry a lot. See, last week my sister was killed by someone. I’m just being really careful, making sure it’s not like you are the one that did her in”
“You have my condolences, Spence...May I call you Spence? Or do you prefer Spencer.”
“Thank you...And I kind of like Spence. No one has ever called me that before.”
A long pause. We just walked down to the beach, took our shoes and socks off and walked in the sand, still silent.
“My boss sucks.” I broke the silence. “He treats me like garbage but I doubt i’d get another job. I have really bad social anxiety, and this job is perfect. I don’t have to socialize but...He treats me like garbage. It’s terrible.” She nodded but didn’t respond. I waited a moment. “I’m so depressed from...Everything I can’t sleep at night. It’s terrible. I go to therapy twice a week to try and deal with it. Yet here I am, still depressed” I feel tears build up in my eyes. “And my sister was killed. Raped, killed, then mutilated.” Tears started to stream down my face. “And now I’m telling some random person I only just met all of my life problems” She stops. I stop a few steps in front of her and turn around. She’s looking at the sunset.
“I see why you come here. It’s beautiful.” Tears stop coming down. She walks towards me and puts her arms around me.
“I...” I’m starstruck. Speechless. I don’t move, or put my hands around her. I just stand there like an idiot.
“You, what, Spence?” she whispered with a slightly seductive tone in her voice. I don’t respond. I feel so safe in her arms - I feel like I could escape all of my problems with her. I feel like I could be happy with her. She pulls back, but I want more. I Squeeze hard for just another second, then let go. She pulled back, and i rested my hand on her cheek.
“I think you’re beautiful.” Absolutely beautiful. Spectacular. Amazing. Words can’t explain how beautiful this girl is to me. I lean in for a kiss.


The next morning, she was gone. All that remained of her was a little black business card sized card with only her phone number on it stuck in my appartments mirror.
Nothing unusual happened on my way to work. I felt...Happy...and anxious. Anxious to call the number on the card. Anxious to see her again. Anxious to feel her again. Anxious to have her. Anxious to be hers. I pulled into my usual spot at work and walked it. I greeted my boss, Ray Knowles, with the usual “Hey Ray” which he promptly responds with “Get in your cubicle and don’t talk to me Spencer.” Ray is a very stuck up man. Always has a crisp suit on, same tie every day. A black tie with a red cross on it. He’s somewhat nice to everyone else that works at Essential Game, yet he acts like he hates me with a burning passion. I never really did anything to him - he’s just cold towards me. Just Me.
I hated my job, my life sucked, everything seemed like it was going wrong, but she was the only thing I was sure about. I was in love with Kelli. A girl I just met, talked to about my life problems, and then slept with.


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