The time I went camping | Teen Ink

The time I went camping

June 6, 2016
By JoseRoldan BRONZE, Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania
JoseRoldan BRONZE, Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My family and I piled in the car and headed off to a camping adventure. What felt like forever was probably only two hours? We were heading somewhere north of the city in the jungles of some campground.  After we got everything packed into the car, we started to head to the camp site. My cousin and I were either talking or sleeping until we heard a slight noise.  That was noise was my grandma saying were stopping for something to eat.  We would always stop at a fast food place like Wendy’s, because we all loved Wendy’s.  I loved the burgers and fries there. My pap was one of those guys that would eat anything where ever and whenever.
When we finally got to the camp site, I was like “Yes, finally, I get to stretch my legs from getting out the van filled like a clown car for about two hours!”  We started unloading the car, the truck, and the van.   It took about an hour of back breaking labor to set everything up and everyone was tired.  We had gotten there pretty early and I decided to go and get my cousin to play some baseball. After we played for some time in the sun we decided to go and see if my grandma was cooking anything on the grill like she normally does.  We had to set up our tents towards the end of the day when it cooled down and that was a pretty tough process. I was a little kid back then so I really didn’t know how to set one up.  It took me and my pap and my aunt to set one big tent up for all of us because some of the kids would sleep in the van where the bed was.
My favorite thing to throughout my two weeks would have to be fishing in the dark with my pap. We would catch small fish to big fish.  We would have to be super quiet so we didn’t scare the fish. When I was little I hated putting the worm on the hook so I had to bother my pap to do it for me. He would always laugh and say it won’t hurt you try it for yourself. So I decide to try it for myself and then I put it through and it wasn’t that bad.
After the two weeks of fun at the campground was over, we had too pack everything away  and start to head back to the good old city.  I was upset, because I was going to miss the big trees, the beautiful river, and the crickets at night. When we all had to gather up and throw everything back into the vehicles just like we had it. This time we got back into the car and it really wasn’t that packed this time around, because we actually took the time to neatly organize it so we had space to lay down comfortably. 

The author's comments:

When I was younger me and my family would go to the camp ground outside the city to have some fun.

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