The Ghost | Teen Ink

The Ghost

June 1, 2016
By alexlynch37 BRONZE, Beaverton, Oregon
alexlynch37 BRONZE, Beaverton, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

July 4, 2004

        The sun sets over the green grassy field and you can hear the crickets in the field. In the distance, people are starting to gather in a group. It appears to be the whole neighborhood they all came to see the fireworks tonight. The sky is full of stars that are shining as bright as spotlights and the anxious children are patiently waiting for the show to begin. There is a family of ducks that are going around the pond.
         There is a blue Hummer that pulls into the parking lot. The door opens and out comes a man in his late sixties. He is wearing a red Ralph Lauren polo and Khaki shorts. He carries a small black suitcase and puts on a pair of black sunglasses and heads for the crowd. As he is closely approaching the crowd he glares at a man in torn jeans and a blue flannel holding onto a paper bag. He reeks of alcohol and  is fast asleep on the wooden bench.
         The old guy stands behind everyone else and looks at the stage ahead of him. The mayor arrives and is immediately welcomed by everyone.
“ Is everybody ready! Should we start the show!”  he says

          Everyone is filled with excitement and the children answer him with a massive yes. The mayor lifts his hand and the fireworks blast into the sky. The crowd is going wild and the children ooh and ahh at the sight of the colorful sky. The man on the bench opens his eyes and stands up. He heads in the direction of the old man. He opens up his paper bag and takes out a handgun with a silencer.
           He appears behind the old man and points the gun at his back and waits. The next firework flies into the sky and goes off with a booming blast as does the gun. Nobody hears the shot and the old man falls to the grassy field and the soil absorbs his blood. The man ruffles through the old man’s pocket and finds his keys and he picks up the suitcase. He unlocks the car door and pulls out of the parking lot and leaves.
       The firework display ends and everybody sees the dead body on the ground. The sirens of police cars and paramedics blast through the area. Detective Ludwig steps out of his squad car and carries his coffee in the other. Accompanying him is partner Detective Jameson.
“Happy 4th to you Ludwig.”
"Yeah, some day off."
        The two detectives walk through the field to where the event was hosted. Ludwig takes out a small plastic bag and takes a sample of the red dyed grass. They walk to the ambulance and they take a look at the body.
“He’s about in his late sixties and he had stage three lung cancer.” said the paramedic
“You got an id on him?” asked Jameson
“Walter Gentz. Sixty eight years old. Lives in Boston, Massachusetts.” answered the paramedic
        Detectives Ludwig and Jameson go inside of their vehicle and head for the precinct. They pull up to a brick building and head inside. “Hey look who’s back.” Ludwig and Jameson go past their desks and into the office of their sergeant.
“Ludwig and Jameson this is FBI director Johnson. He will be taking point on this investigation. What do you two have?” Asked the sergeant
"At the crime scene we gathered samples of the grass that are contaminated with the blood of the victim," said Jameson
“Good. You two head down to the lab and see what the results are.” commanded the sergeant
The two detectives head out of the office and to the lab.
"Hey, guys. You two back already. You must have missed me." said Steve
“No. We just came to see the body.” Corrected Ludwig
“Fine. Here it is.” Said Steve
      He pulls out the body and takes off the white tarp. Steve turns the body around and shows where the bullets punctured his body.
"Jesus. Someone didn't like this guy," said Jameson
“Did he have anything in his pockets?” Asked Ludwig
“Yes. His wallet with money and debt cards.”
“Whoever did this must have been after something else.” Said Jameson
July 5th, 2004
        Director Johnson opens his door to his house and he moves toward the kitchen. There is a guy sitting at his table with a gun on the table and a briefcase. The directors maid comes in and asks if he needs anything. He replies with a no and she leaves. He checks to make sure that she is gone.
“Our timetable has been shortened significantly. Is that the briefcase?” Said Johnson
      The assassin nods his head and the front door opens unexpectedly. The maid comes in saying that she forgot her coat. The director pulls out his gun and shoots her dead.
Ludwig pulls up to his house and gets out of his car. He opens the door and proceeds inside and takes off his coat and goes to the kitchen.

       He notices that one of his windows is open and he slowly makes his way toward it. As he is about to close the window a semtex grenade pops through the window and he dives for cover. Ludwig opens his eyes and looks around and see’s scorched wood all around him.Fire Engines and ambulances head to the scene as does Jameson in the squad car. Ludwig waits outside for while the EMT’s check on him.

"What happened. You left the stove on," asked Jameson
“Ha. Real funny. This is going to cost $25 to repair at least.” Said Ludwig
In the distance, a car takes photos of Ludwig and Jameson and quietly pulls out of the area. After the EMT's check on Ludwig, they head down to the station.
“What the Hell happened!” asked the sergeant
"Well, there was this crazy party…
“The truth Ludwig”
"Well I went into my house and I went toward one of my windows and a grenade went inside and detonated," said Ludwig
“Did you see anybody unusual at the scene Jameson?” Asked the sergeant
"No I just saw EMT's, Firefighters, and Police officers," said Jameson

July 6th, 2004
        The bright warm sunshine pours into the enclosed police station.
“Any news about a suspect yet?” asked Jameson
“Actually yes. I was doing some research when I came across an article that featured mr. Gentz on it and there was this group that was saying that he should be killed. And so then I did some digging for research about this group and I came across this person that works for them an assassin that goes by the name Ghost.” said Ludwig
       I did some further digging and found out that Mr. Gentz and found out that the on July 5th he was supposed to give a presentation at the Pentagon.
“What for?” asked Jameson
“He had built some kind of prototype of a weapon.”
“HEY! Jameson and Ludwig come in my office!” yelled the sergeant
“There is going to be a conference tonight at the White House and everybody will be there and I am positive that our suspect will show up. I want the two of you to be there. It will be our only opportunity” said the sergeant
"We will be there like yesterday," replied Ludwig
The two detectives gather their items and hurry out of the office.  Ring. Ring.
“There is going to be heightened security there so watch your back.”
End of phone call
       The assassin goes to the floor and prays quietly. After he prays he takes out his outfit for the evening and prepares his equipment and waits patiently. The two detectives show up at their hotel and start getting ready for the evening.
"Hey Jameson makes sure that your mike is on," said Ludwig
They holster their guns and wait for the evening.
July 6th, 2004
7:30 P.M.
        The streets get busier as cars rush to get to the conference and with police patrolling the streets. There are police snipers on top of every building watch for any signs of strange activity. Police dogs sniff every vehicle that goes by and occasional cars get stopped to be searched. The assassin heads towards the White House in a black Honda Ranger with white rims. He makes it to a checkpoint and shows the officer his fake id and they let him pass.

        He heads for the parking lot and gets out of his vehicle. When he gets out of his car he opens the trunk and wires an explosive. He leaves the parking lot with the detonator in his pocket and heads for the entrance. He is about to walk in when he gets stopped.
“Rick Leveson”
“Okay go in.”
         The two detectives show their badges and they get inside. The assassin makes his way to the front row and takes a seat and the two detectives sit on the opposite side. The curtains pull apart and the president is on stage, while people are applauding.
“Good evening everybody. I hope you all had a decent time getting with all of the heavy traffic we are having.” said the president

          The president gets off the stage and heads over to the front row where the assassin is. The guest speaker goes up on the stage and starts speaking when detective Ludwig glances at the president. He notices that something is off with the guy that is sitting next to the president.

"Hey, Jameson you see that guy next to the president?"
“Yeah what about him.”
“I don’t know he seems out of place.”
“I am going over there to check.”

       The assassin sees the detective approaching and he takes out his detonator and pushes the button. His car outside explodes which sets of a chain reaction and all of the other cars explode. Everybody stands up and starts panicking. The president’s secret service surrounds him and some of them go to the door and close the entrance. The assassin takes out dual wielding pistols and shoots the secret service agents and eight more guys appear with guns and take out the remaining agents.

          The detectives take out their guns and return fire they manage to kill six of the killers. The Ghost takes the president hostage and moves to the backstage.
“He has the president. I’m going to  follow. Cover me!” said Ludwig

       Ludwig makes it to the backstage and readys his weapon. He opens the door slowly and cautiously moves in. As he is about to turn the corner he gets shot at by the remaining two shooters. He dashes for the other side and waits behind the wall.  He opens fire on the two soldiers and the get hit and fall to the ground.
The detective makes it to the roof and as he opens the door the Ghost knocks the weapon out of his hand and throws him across the roof. The two engage in hand to hand combat and the assassin overwhelms Ludwig.

     Ludwig sees the president tied up to the corner of the building. There are helicopters circling the rooftop and with the spotlights glaring on the assassin. The assassin takes out a weapon which is looks like an EMP gun but on a larger scale. He shoots it at the helicopters and the pilots lose control and the helicopters crash into the ground.

           The detective assumes the weapon is the prototype that mr. Gentz was going to show at the pentagon. The detective launches himself at the Ghost but he gets shot by the EMP gun and collapses. The Ghost approaches the detective and pulls out one of his pistols and aims it at s Ludwig. Detective Jameson sneaks up the roof staircase and aims his gun at the assassin and fires. The bullet penetrates the assassin’s head armor and he collapses on the ground. A pool of blood starts to form around his head.

         Detective Jameson heads towards the president and unties him and the president tells Jameson that Ludwig was shot by an EMP gun. As Jameson finishes untying the president the FBI director shows up on the rooftop. The president grabs the EMP gun and conceals it. The director approaches Jameson and pulls out his gun and points it at his head.

“Drop your gun Jameson. Do it or the president dies.” commanded the director

The detective drops his gun and holds his hands up.
“Why are you doing this director?”
“Its simple really. I think there should be a change in government and I am going to do it. And once I take care of the president I will kill you and make it look like it was a homicide suicide.” said the director.

The president takes out the EMP gun and shoots the director and he drops his gun. The detective rolls on the ground and picks up the gun and shoots the director four times. Two in the chest and two in the head. Detective Ludwig regains consciousness  and gets helped up by his partner and the president. The three of them head outside and the police take the president and the detectives get seen by the medical teams.

July 8th, 2004
        The two detectives open the door to the police station and the are welcomed by applauds from all of the officers. The enter and all of the officers shake their hands and the sergeant comes and greets them.
“You guys did one hell of a good job!” said the sergeant
        The president shows up outside of the precinct and news stations pull up and they get their cameras. The president awards them both medals and they shake hands.
“I would love for the two of you guys to be on my secret service detail.” said the president
"Thanks for the offer Mr. President but we must decline, the police force is more than just a job they are our family," said Ludwig and Jameson
     The president bids the two detectives a farewell and takes off. The two detectives get in their police car and head off on patrol.

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