What is fear? | Teen Ink

What is fear?

October 10, 2016
By C0137 BRONZE, Dublin, California
C0137 BRONZE, Dublin, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I’m not afraid of anything. Everyone else in town claims this thing called fear is within me. But if it is within me, why am I not afraid of it? I didn’t understand what they’re talking about, so I left. I left the town to find fear. If I found this fear and defeated it, I would be a hero! Everyone would see how great I am. The little town I live in would have a hero. And that hero would be ME.
Before I left I needed to pack my belongings and the necessary amount of food and water. I grabbed a small pack one that slung around my shoulder. The pack was a brown color and opened on the top. I filled a canteen of water and made myself a few meals: 2 loaves of bread, some dried meat, 5 apples and my favorite piece of chocolate cake. But I needed something to defend myself. I grabbed my only knife and ran out the door and left for the mountain
The mountain is very steep. Up to the top of the mountain, there is a thick, green forest. Many people in the town are afraid of this forest. They say there is a huge bear in forest. With deadly, red eyes and sharp claws that can slice a tough tree in one swipe. This bear. This bear is what they call scary. This bear is fear for the people of my town. But not to me. I am not afraid of a bear. I am not afraid of anything. And if I encounter the bear? I will defeat it and I will be a hero. Yes! A hero! That is what I want to be. But to be that hero, I must defeat this “fear”.
I decided that it was a good time to sleep. Since it was always dark in the forest and I couldn’t tell if the sun went down or not, I thought it was a good time to sleep. First I pulled a piece of bread off one of the loaves and took a bite. This bread came from my father’s wheat farm, and I stole it from him. I didn’t feel guilty though. My father never thought of me as anything and didn’t believe I could become someone important, like a hero. I told him about my dreams, but all he said was,”You’ll grow up to be a farmer like me and take over this farm.” But I hated the farm, being a farmer comes nowhere close to being a hero. I finished the bread. I ate a piece of my dried meat and went to sleep.
When I woke up, I heard roaring sound. I got up to see what it was, but there was nothing unusual about the dark forest. I tried to go back to sleep, but I felt the ground shake. Far away from where I lay, I heard a crashing sound. It sounded like a tree hitting the ground. I got up again, knowing exactly what the cause of all the noise was. I grabbed my pack and sprinted in the directing of the noises. I pushed past the trees of the dark forest, running because I knew that I would become the hero.
I came to the fallen tree and stopped. There was a clean cut through the tree, as if someone with incredible strength sliced it with an axe. But it wasn’t an axe. The bear the town spoke of stood before me. With its bright red eyes looking straight at me. I pulled out my knife, this was my chance. I darted around the tree right up to the bear and pierced through his left leg with my knife. I wasn’t afraid, I was excited, but as soon as I did the bear smacked me and swept me off my feet. I landed on my stomach, but before I could get up the bear clawed towards me. I stabbed its hand and stopped it. I yanked it out and went to strike again, but the bear was filled with rage. Its red eyes widened and it dove to tackle me. Its arm landed across both of my legs and I couldn’t move. Its arm was heavy and blood was dripping down from where I stabbed it. Now, I struggled my way out and sprinted as the bear grabbed for my leg. Its sharp claw sliced slightly scratched my right calf and I hit the ground again.
This was fear. As soon as I realized that I couldn’t defeat it I became afraid. I panicked and ran. I’m no hero, I can’t be a hero if I just run away. But I finally felt what the rest of the town meant by fear. I felt afraid and I didn’t know what to do.
I got up again, but this time I knew what I was going to do. I would pull a piece of meat from my pack and throw towards the bear. As soon as it went for the piece I would throw my knife at its face. So I started on my genius plan. As I threw the piece of meat, I thought the bear would go for it instead of me, but it didn’t. The bear ran towards me and again extend its arm to claw me. Then I realized, I could still win! I threw my knife. It planted straight in the bears left eye. It stopped and fell to the ground.
I won. I would be a hero. I defeated the bear in the forest. But, I was afraid. I thought the bear would kill me and I got scared. I guess… I was wrong about fear. I believed fear was something I could physically defeat. But fear is inside me and I am still afraid. What if there’s another bear? What if the bear is still alive next to me? I overwhelmed myself with these questions that I didn’t know the answer to. I was afraid of the things I didn’t know. I fell to the ground again not knowing what to do. 
I woke up the next day, in the forest still wondering what fear was. I travelled back to the town. I was a hero now. But was I? I had no proof. Did i go through that trouble for nothing? No, they’d have to believe me. But I wasn’t anyone important so how would I explain it to them? I’ll tell them the truth and they can believe me if they want. To some people I would be a great hero, but most would call me a story teller. Or should I not go back? I could just stay here and not have to face the people of the town.
As I got to the foot of the mountain, I saw the town in the distance. No one there thought or thinks I could be a hero. Even if i wasn’t their hero, I know I was a hero. So I continued to walk as if i were that hero...

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