The Others | Teen Ink

The Others

October 26, 2016
By StrawberryMilk BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
StrawberryMilk BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There was a girl who knew people's secrets just by looking at them. There was a boy who could look into the minds of other. They both knew that they were different.


I was outside swinging on the wings the wing blew through my hair causing stray pieces of hair to blow into my face “Anna! It's time to come in! Dinners ready!”

“Ok!” I yelled back and quickly got off the swings and ran down the hill to where my house stood.  As I opened the door i was greeted with the smell of homemade cooking and two friendly barks of my best friends “Frankie, Gracie! I missed you guys” I said as they began to lick my face in happiness.

I laughed pushing them off and got up and resumed my course to the kitchen “Mom!” I called.

Finding that she wasn't in the kitchen i went towards the living room and stopped dead in my tracks. They both turned their almost at the same time and upon seeing me my mom motion for me to come and sit next to her. I followed and cautiously eyeing the man that was sitting in front of her “so, as i was saying we would like for your daughter to come to our school I am sure it would be beneficial to her and her education. I hope you know that it's part of the law that a child is required to go to school either home schooled or real school and it semmes that you don't do either of those things. And as it turns out you are in no position to decline and if you do we would be forced to arrest you” he said, with an emphasis on arrest.

Mom nods in understanding and the man says his goodbyes then leaves “mom why do I have to go to school I like here I don't want to meet other people what if they find out about my secret?”

“It'll be fine they won't find out and plus this could be a good opportunity for you to make friends”

“ but I already have friends” I protested

“Friends that aren't dogs Anna” she said firmly and without saying anything else I headed off for bed

As I got ready for bed i spotted the tree that was outside with with the swings attached to it “I wish i had no worries like that tree assuming that it doesn't get cut down though” she said as she  muttered the last part.

I climbed into bed and pulled the covers all the way up to my chin  “what if everything we ever knew is a delusion and what if God actually doesn't exist” I asked but i got no reply of course I'm not gonna get a reply i'm in my room all alone I thought and sighed then went to sleep.

I woke up the next morning to sunlight filtering through the window and the birds chirping outside I yawned and painfully remembered that it was decided that yesterday that i would start school today. I groaned and started to get ready for the day. I quickly grabbed a green and white bag that was hanging on my door handle and went to the kitchen to look for breakfast. I quickly grabbed a muffin and headed out the door to the bus stop. When the bus got there I got on and noticed that there was zero people on it “why is there no one on the bus?” I asked

“That's because this is the first house along the way” he answered

I nodded and took a seat in the back of the bus. Gradually as we stopped at more houses and neighborhoods the bus got fuller and fuller and it hummed with chattering voices. In the seat in front of me one of the kids kept looking back to point and laugh at me and I wondered why. When we got to the school i opened the doors leading to the hallway and went to go look for the office and after some asking around i eventually found it. Opening the door to the Principal's office I explained to him that I was new and he heanded me a schedule and showed me to my first period class. He led me inside and told the teacher about my situation and i could feel all of the students eye on me and it felt like they were burning a hole through me. After they were finished talking the teacher pointed to a seat by a window and i went to go sit down in it. Sitting in front of me was a girl who had shoulder length brown hair,a white shirt, and converses and sitting horizontal of me was a boy with shaggy black hair, a green shirt with a band name on it, and he to had converses. As if I said his name when I looked at him he turned his head and stared at me “um-um do you want something?” I asked nervously

He kept on staring as if in some kind of trance then after a few times of me waving my hand in front of his face he said no and went back to looking at the math paper that was on his desk. When school was over I started to head home but decided that while im here im gonna explore the school so I went around the back to see if there was stare like I had imagined I also wanted to know where the window led to that I was sitting next to in class. As I explored around the school i began to hear groaning sounds and out of curiosity headed towards it. There was a person backed into a corner and being punched by another person as I observed further I realized that the person w=being punched was the guy in me class that looked like he was in a trance and as if on impulse i darted out from behind the side of the building “Stop!”

I yelled and they both turned to look at me “Stop!”

I yelled again and advanced towards the boy with bruised and bloodied face “are you ok?”

He managed a groan before sliding down the wall and collapsing on the ground “look what you do-”

Before I could finish my sentence I felt a prick on my arm and my vision and scenery began to blur together before everything went black. The last thing I remember saying is “how”

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