Alone | Teen Ink


December 2, 2016
By Ajking820 BRONZE, Green Bay, Wisconsin
Ajking820 BRONZE, Green Bay, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be yourself" Simple but :D

All I could see were my frozen eyelashes covering my glossy, naked eyes. Every minute I would wipe them off and I could see clearly again,  seconds later, the cycle would repeat. I trudged through the snow covered streets, making me feel weaker every step I took, it was like walking through thick deep mud, I felt as if the snow was purposely pulling on me, pulling me down… as if this snow had a mind of it's own. I heard it talk sometimes, telling me to “just give up d i e .“ But I ignored it. I could see nothing 2 meters in front of me other than white shards of ice flying across my face, leaving little cuts in my face exposing my tender red skin. My legs felt nimble, frozen, and broken. I felt as if- I open my eyes. I saw nothing but white, bright white  I thought I was in...Heaven? Is this true? “Whoosh” I could still hear the blizzard blowing by my ears, but why can all I see is white? Why can't I move? I tried moving my frozen arms, no use. I tried using my legs and feet that I could no longer feel, no use. The white starts turning to black, I can no longer feel anything in my body. Other than the freezing temperature eating at my skin.. “Bump” What is that? “Bump” Is that.. “Bump” is that that beating of my heart? “Bump” I think.. I can't think, I can't think of anything anymore, I dont know whats going on, why am I here, whats happening?! Black.. Everything went silent, black and cold, not freezing, but cold..
I opened my eyes, and I saw.. White stone, a stone ceiling at that.. Where am I? I chuckled, I laughed… “hahaha” I heard myself, I heard myself talk, I haven't talked in… “hahahahahahaha, cats, dogs, life, death, I'm alive, I'M ALIVE!” I bursted out into tears. I had no idea what the tears represented happiness or sadness, I couldn't care less but I can hear my heartbeat, I can move my legs, move my toes, my fingers, my nose, lips, tongue… everything..
“Hey there.” A random man said.
I must be delusional again, I just heard someone. I mean, I must be dead or something. This is is all wrong. I'm was able to talk, breath freely, move, and hear people talk.
I opened my eyes and tired lift my head up, but failing to fully lift it up. But I did get a glimpse of a man. He had beautiful short military style black hair, blue eyes, bulging muscles popping out of his short sleeve tight shirt. Which was defining his abs and his whole upper body, He was kind of cute.
“Hello ma'am, are you ok?” The beautiful mystery man said.
I was in a trance of what he looked like, I couldn't respond because I was too scared to talk. Yet I couldn't talk because I was in a trance with his beautiful body. I felt his presence get closer. My eyes are closed at this moment, seeing what he would do. I feel two hands, one under my head and on my upper back. He was gentle, very gentle. He slowly lifted me up and I opened my eyes, only a little bit. Just to see his face, he caught me.
“I know you're awake, I saw your little spaz attack here on the bed, you screaming and laughing, you sound crazy, but yet beauti- Nevermind”
“I am awake, I mean, I know you know i'm awake, but uhm-”
“Hey, dont stress yourself” He lifts his finger and puts it on my lips “I'm here, I saw you in the snow and we came towards you, bringing you back to our shelter”
I push his finger off with my lips and continue to speak. “Uhm, I thought there was no one else alive… I thought I was alone, how are you alive? How is it so warm in here? Where are we?”
“Just, I’ll help you up and I'll show you around and tell you everything you want to know. Your items are on the other side of the room, we didn't look through it, if that's what you're a bit freaked out, just, c’mon.”
He lifted me up, and I tried to stand, but I fell. I kept trying to get up but couldn't. He then just picked me up and put me in a cradle position.. I blushed and smiled. He brought me down out of the room and brought me down a set of stairs. Wherever we were, it was surprisingly in good condition, shiny wood planks, beautiful multi-colored wall paper, several doors, and a nice home feel. As he brought me down I heard chatter from a few people, I think I heard them speak about me, the “mystery woman.” As I was brought down the stairs by this hunk of a man, I start thinking as if maybe the others don't like me. We reach the bottom of the stairs and I see how many people there are, three. three other people sitting at a table, one girl, two men. The girl stares at me with a jealous look while this man is still holding me
“I'm raven by the way” He whispers in my ear.
Raven… What a beautiful man,  my knight in shining armor, my savi-
“Hello? Are you in there” One of the girls say while waving her hand in my face
“Oh, yeah, sorry. I'm just trying to think whats going on here, why i'm here particularly”
“Oh well, we can tell you everything, as long as you give us some information about yourself; how you were out there by yourself”
My mind went black, I couldn't think anything other than the past.. It just replayed in my head like a movie, rewind, play, rewind, play.. It was looped, the blood, covering me like a thick blanket, all over the walls like fresh paint
“Hey! Are you ok? What's wrong” As the girl says while holding onto my shoulders
“Oh my god, i'm so sorry, I.. I just don't want to speak of my past, i'll tell you my name though, if that's good enough?”
“Perfect! I'm delilah by the way, and this here is Jack, Mark and of course, the man holding you is, Raven, if he hasn't told you already.”
“Well, my name is Ayasha, just call me asha, please”
“That's such a pretty name, does it mean anything?” Delilah says with curiosity
“It means little one, my mother.. Yeah”
“Don't speak of anything you don't want to, it's fine. If you are planning on staying, you’re welcome to stay here for however long. Doing some chores are needed though, to keep up cleanliness around here.”
“Alright, that's fine.” I said with a sigh
I woke up uncomfortable on the ground with a dingy blanket hardly covering me due to it's size, I was cold, very cold. It's time to leave, I said to myself. Raven was in the same room as me, it was a small room, but he slept in here and this was where I was going to sleep for the first few nights, that is, if I was going to stay. I got up, leaving a few creaks and squeaks from the floor boards, I continued, but slower, not to wake raven, or anyone else. I was up on my feet, sneaking towards my bag of items. I was still in the clothes I was discovered in, except for the coat and boots. I grabbed my bag and swung it upon my shoulders, while continuing towards the door. I opened the door slightly and peeked through, to see if any  of the others were  on “guard” which would make sense, but seeing that no one is out here, it surprised me that they didn't get raided or attacked by others, since obviously there are others out there, as this group opened up that world to me. I go out in the hallway and slowly shut the door, leaving no trace of myself. I creep down the stairs and go next to the front exiting door, next to it are a couple pair of shoes and boots, and above on the hooks, were coats, heavy furred coats, they looked warm. I quickly snatched the heaviest boots and the warmest looking coat and looked at the door. I got to be quick, when I open this door, it will cause a ton of sound, waking up the others. I change my mind for a second and think that without some materials and resources, I won't survive long, I need food and water. I turn around and walk back towards the kitchen, passing a semi-big table with loads of papers on it, I ignore it and continue towards the fridge. I open the fridge to see canned food and water, I take it without feeling doubt and sorrow, this is survival of the fittest, i'm sorry. I put them in my bag and turn back to continue on my main mission. I get to the door and put my hand on it, I continue to turn it when suddenly I feel pressure on my opposite wrist, I turn around suddenly and force my hand on the neck of this human that grabbed my wrist, he quickly covered my mouth and put down my arms, forcing me not to do anything, counter-attacking my move. It was raven.
“I want to come with you, this place is no haven, my time here is done, please” He said with haste
He uncovered my mouth; I continued to respond with a whisper “Why with me? Just go alone.”
“Because, you’re special, smart and slick, please, I want to-”
“Whatever, thats fine, lets go, but I swear to god, you pull anything on me, I will take any risks to rid of you.”
“Thats fine, fine, I just… you connected with me, I feel like we belong together-”
“Shhh! We can explain whatever is happening with your hormones later, let's go.”
He quickly put on a coat and his heavy boots that he must've hidden somewhere else, and shoved them on, while grabbing another coat  “just incase you get cold.” I grabbed him and shoved the door open, pulling him with me and continuing to run towards the left, making it far away from the place I was just at.
It's been two days of walking and “raiding” snowed in shops and rundown malls. We haven't seen anyone, or anything in the past two days. No signs of life occurred to us other than the people we left back at that house. “BANG!” A bullet whirred past my ear, leaving me deaf, I stuffed up and didn't know what to do. Raven grabbed me and we fell to the ground, leaving my face full of snow. “BANG!” Another bullet hit a few inches away from me, Raven picked me up and sprinted towards the dark snowy woods. I can hear him panting and running out of breath, I pick my hand up and push on his upper chest, “Let's stop, please.” He stopped and put me on the ground and continues with a spur of a comment “Who was that? You almost died!”
“How am I supposed to know who that was, and don't you think I would if I almost died” I twitched my arm from him trying to grab it.
“Hey i'm sorry, I'm over reacting” He wrapped his arms around my waist and layed his head on my shoulder.
I leaned back and calmed down, I could feel the snow chill slithering through my three layers of pants that were keeping me warm at the moment, but slowly dissipating.“Let's go, we can't stop.” I said while giving him a kiss on the cheek. I put force into my legs and push on my hands, pulling myself off the ground while Raven does it with eez. “Crunch, crunch” We hear snow crunching and being smooshed very close to us, Raven hastily puts his hand over my mouth and pulls me behind a behemoth of a tree. He rids his hand off my mouth and I peek around the tree to see it's the group from the house. “Hey, I need to tell you something” Raven whispers in my ear before I shush him with “Not now!” I continue to peek around the tree and see that they stop with frustration. 
“I knew he was going to flake out on us, he was a weak link from the start, we should of killed him in the first place, we could of used the food, we were at hard times at that moment when he joined you know” Jack says while holding his axe firmly
“I mean, it was your call, you let him into our group in the first place” Mark said while waving his hands around like what he just said was nothing but a stone hitting the ground.
Jack dropped his axe and forced his fist to mark's neck “You b****ed to get him into this group, mark! Don't you pull that s*** on me.”
Delilah quickly reacted instead of standing there doing nothing, she took her hands and hit jack in the face while mark fell to the snow gasping for air. I quickly turned back to Raven with a sappy look on my face. Do they eat humans? Or did Raven have locations for food?
Raven hugged me with disbelief even though I said nothing “It's going to be okay, that is why I left. All of us had loose ends, but I avoided them” He whispered into my ear. We both slowly got up and grabbed our bags and tried sneaking away. We were still hidden behind the tree while they were being calmed down by delilah, we took our chances and started to walk away, trying not to make noise. “BAM!”
“Where do you think you guys are going?” Delilah said with a smirk
“Why are you guys doing this?! You have no reason for this. You obviously gave me a choice to stay or to leave and I chose to leave, I don't need help, ok?!”  I screamed
  She walked towards me and put her finger on my lips “Shush baby, we’re not here for you, we’re here for Raven, your knight in shining armor, which in the first place, is not yours”
She grabbed me by the hair and threw me onto the snow, leaving me feel pain everywhere, I turned over to see Delilah hitting Raven over and over again with the but of her pistol, leaving him with a bruised and bloody face.
“STOP! Don't do this to us, please! I’ll do anything, just stop, please..”
From the corner of my eye I see Mark and Jack walking towards me. They reach me and they stand over me with grins “this will be a mighty fine dinner” As Jack hit kicked my in the head, knocking me out. 
I felt myself stop breathing. My lungs felt like they were going to collapse. My head hurt like someone was pounding nails into my head with a hammer. Everything hurt, again, this time, I just wanted to die.
My eyes opened to see a bright light hanging over me, one of those old time, string attached, lights. I turned my head to see cracked brick lining the walls, I was in a small room. I looked under me and saw that I was on a table, it was tainted with red, faded, but could still see the splashes of red. Where am I… Are they really cannibals… Are they going to eat me!? I heard a door open to see Mark pulling in Raven and tossing him on the wall, he was handcuffed with his hands behind him, his legs were tied together, leaving dark red circles on his ankles. He was stripped naked to his underwear, So was I, I only had a bra and underwear, I was hurt, I didn't want to be there, I wanted to leave. I'm going to die if I don't make any decisions now
I started jiggling my hands to find out there was a rope around my hands, a skinny rope, but also loose, not tide with a knot. I jiggle it enough to where the rope untangles and falls to the ground
“Ahh, So, Ayasha. You first get here, we then save you, you sadly take our food, and then you sneak out at night with Raven and try and run from us. You should've stayed here, you would've been safe” Mark said with a creepy grin
“Safe? Safe with cannibals? You’re insane, get away from me you bastard!”
He walked towards me and shoved tape onto my mouth, he slowly put his palm onto my stomach and rubbed around, as he did, I felt numb all over, I could no longer think and I felt disgusted, I felt like a bag of trash, I felt as if I was nothing, and nothing I was. He was standing beside me, I was no longer control over my body, I felt as if I was no longer control of anything. He reached down...slowly...he was getting closer.. I was trash...I am nothing but trash, I am to be used and wasted….He put his finger on the band of my underwear as he went to pull back.. No, I won't let this happen. I twitched my clenched fist and threw it at Marks precious circular jewels, Mark then fell in pain while I fell off the table next to him, I picked myself up and start furiously kicking him, punching him, clawing at him, pulling his hair out, doing as much damage as I could when I was pulled off by someone. I turned around to look, hands clenched ready to attack the next before I notice it was raven “Are you ok? What did he do to you? I swear to god if he did any-” I started to cry, I didn't even notice that I was, it just started to flow out like a waterfall. My body went numb again and I felt as if- I felt him, he touched my skin, he left a cool, soothing touch on my bruised skin, he cupped his hand and pulled my frizzy, dirty blonde hair out of my face, while looking at me, straight in the eyes, leaving my speechless, like everything and anything that was happening out of this building, out of this world, this universe, stopped. I felt love and light touch my lips, I felt fuzzy and soft, he held me and told me “It's going to be okay, I promise i'm going to protect you, I promise.”
Raven got up and slowly walked over to Mark, he kicked him over and pulled up his shirt to find a holstered butcher knife, he slowly unsheathed the knife and looked at him with disbelief, Raven took the knife and started to stab Mark in the back, over and over and over again, leaving him painted red like a juicy red apple. I quickly flustered off the floor and grabbed Raven, pulling him away. “Let's go, we gotta go now.” He turned around without a flinch and picked me up and sprinted up the stairs only to find delilah holding her pistol, with mine and Ravens dried blood on it, while Jack held Marks axe, but it looked as if Jack didn't want to do anything anymore, holding the axe like he was going to pass out. Raven slowly kept taking steps towards them while Delilah shouted “STOP! Don't move or I swear to god, i’ll blow her f***ing head off.” Raven took another step. “STOP! I mean it, please!” He took another. She raised the gun without doubt and pulled the trigger, only to be followed by the sound of a click. Raven widened his eyes and stared at delilah like he was the devil himself about to take a peasant's soul. Raven flung his arm at Delilah, stabbing her right in the heart, making her fall, leaving blood to exit her body like it was an exit of a busy highway in chicago. Jack stood there in belief and dropped the axe and started to cry, Raven looked at him and gave a snarl. “You pull some dumb s*** like they did and you will end up as a crows dinner, trust me.” Jack slammed his head to the floor and covered his face. Raven continued past him and grabbed our stuff in the bags, such as shoes, socks, extra pants, tops and our gear in our backpacks. He took me up the stairs and got me dressed as while with himself. I was dramatized by this whole situation, yet I felt safe in the arms of this angle sent from heaven, yet maybe he was a demon, I couldn't tell. I got up myself while we both walked down the stairs, we both didn't look around to give attention to the dead bodies we left behind. He opened the door and grabbed me and we left.
The snow whisked around my face, leaving me feel cold and alone. I felt his hand force into mine and I accepted it. The snow whirled around us like the earth knew that we were the chosen ones, the special people of the earth. I stopped dead in my tracks and looked at him, and kissed him on the lips, he smiled and we kept walking, only to start realising a big city opened up to us, luring us in with it's big shops and its skyscraper towers, I plan on experiencing the rest of whatever life is left of mine with Raven, he protected me, I love him. We walked towards the newly destroyed New York city, we looked at each other
“Ready?” He said with a grin, getting closer to my lips
“Yes” I smiled back, hugging him.

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