Missing in Deep Space | Teen Ink

Missing in Deep Space

December 2, 2016
By Breonp BRONZE, East Palo Alto, California
Breonp BRONZE, East Palo Alto, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

                                           Mission Log 1: unknown
A bright light hit my eyes. I realized I was starting to wake up. Feeling like there were one hundred pounds of sand under my eyes I stretched and yawned the same helpless yawn. When I was 17 years old my dad went missing. He’s been missing for about a year now. No note was left and no clues. My father, who adopted me at the age of 14 at the Adoption Center for Contonian, was a world renown scientist. When /word spread around about him being missing investigation started popping up everywhere. As for me, I hid so I wouldn't get sent back to the adoption center. I looked at the time seeing that was 13:38. Slowly moving like a machine with no oil I got out of my bed and into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror seeing a light brown face with crust in my eyes and my cybernetic arm with the words Contian property of Faction 18 on it. Taking a comb pushed it through my black curly hair.
“Finally up eh?” a voice similar to my dad but more robotic said.
“Yeah” I replied dully “ I see your working.”
A program of my dad popped up in my head a couple months back along with a message saying it was an urgent message. The massage didn't seem important. It was probably another dumb news report about another bank robbery..
“Where are we going today Damian,”  he said.
“The market I have to pick up some food.” I’ve been getting most of my money for about a year now from the government’s Life Support Program. You can register at the age of 17. I threw on my black and cyan jacket and walked out the door. The door made a click sound as I locked it. A bright ray of sun jumped onto my face as I walked out the tall white quartz building apartment building.
“Ah it’s sunny today.” My holographic dad seem pleased like it was the first time in a long time he’s seen sun.
“It’s been sunny every day since they automated the weather in Faction 18.” They also sometimes called Faction 18 Quartz because of the abundant amount of it in the faction.
“You’re right. But-” I interrupted him.
“It really doesn't matter.” I looked up while walking noticing the teal green sky with dark blue clouds.The sun seemed to look silvery. My face was stuck in the same upward position until I saw something spark out the corner of my eye. Swiftly I turned to see what it was. A shiny card with a picture of a lady that looked like she could destroy a faction was on it. It read ATHENA’S BOUNTYHUNTER CO. I noticed there was a pound key on the corner of the card. The black market I thought. Quickly I dashed through the crowd in the market to get to the library.
“Where are we going?”
“The library. I think I’ve got a way to get you home from wherever you are.” I zig-zagged through the white utopia looking buildings to the library that looked like what the Earthians call the Pantheon. Sprinting through the door the bell rang. The computer binged on and I typed in pound key  ATHENA.
                                             Mission Log 2: Merriweather
1 WEEK LATER: My doorbell made a loud ding throughout my house. Sluggishly I walked over to the door. Through the peephole I could see a woman with reddish pink hair and tan almost orange skin. She was wearing the same metallic armor with a A shaped as a curved triangle on it. It was the armor of the Faction 3 Op squad . I opened the door.
“Athena bounty hunter?”
Remind me not to let Luis log onto my computer.
“Yeah” she said with a goddess like voice “ it says here you’re looking for your father.”
“He’s been missing for about a year now and I-”
“And you really want to find him” she continued “look I don’t want to be rude but talking isn’t going to get your dad home any quicker.” Even though she was a little rude I understood that to save my dad we had to do more than talk about it.
“Ok then what do you think we should do to get him back?” She looked up and said aw like a light bulb just popped on top of her head.
“At the Athena hq there is a thing called the High-Transmitter,” she said  “We can send an over galaxy message to see if we can get anything back.”
“OK.” We quickly walked out the building. In a hour we were in front of a big black and red building in Faction 3 or the Government Faction. She told me to wait outside in the parking lot. After about 35 minutes she came back out running at me with a paper in her hand.
“Since we know your dad is in the Tadpole Galaxy we sent a radar sweep there and we picked up a large ship.” she continued “ so in about a day we can get a ship to get to your dad.”
“Ok. Thank you so much.”
“No thanks needed it’s my job.” The next was like deja vu. But instead we walked to a building with the words Fast-Instant-Rapid-Space-Travel aka FIRST
“So we’re taking a FIRST spaceship.”
“Yes, but more specifically a IF3O Star striker.” she added “ the fastest ship ever, it get us there in a hour.” We got in the arrow shaped ship and blasted off.
Mission Log 3: Capital Marina Striker
We sat silently in the nothingness of space. We were all alone in darkness. Well we were alone until I looked up. There were billions of small bright white lights, stars. Each star had probably 5 to 12 plants orbiting it. A green galactic gas covered a big yellow star with a brownish ring around it. We were under the Tadpole galaxy. The radar in our ship was scanning everything. All we heard in the emptiness of space was the beeping of the ship. Tired I broke the silence.
“Um..since we’re going to be on this trip for a long time may I” I forced the embarrassed words out “ may I ask your name?”
“Wait you don’t know my name” She looked more confused than angry “ didn’t you look at the name of the bounty hunter when you payed for one?”
“No.” I replied feel stupid for not looking at the name. She sighed.
“It’s Brenda.” She said.
“Oh… that’s… um. That’s a dope name.” I said unable to think of any other word than dope. I opened my mouth but the radar started to beeping rapidly. A big ship shaped like a fast forward button appeared. It slowly moved across us. On the side you could clearly see the name. The name made me freeze over. The name read CMS, Capital Marina Striker. Not sure if I wanted to actually go through with this I clenched my fist. “ Get a hold of yourself.” I told myself. She pulled the ship forward.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Dad’s robotic voice echoed through my head.
“Where you’ve been dad?” I realized Brenda was listen to our conversation. I already knew what she was going to ask.
“He’s a program that popped up around two months ago.” She nodded.
“Yeah dad I’m ready.” He didn’t say anything. We flew into the back dock of the CMS. Taking no risk as to not getting to my father I told Brenda kill anyone that gets in our way.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah.” I really wasn’t sure. Actually I was far from sure.
“Ok than. But I want you to know that there is no info on the captain except he has blue scales and he’s named The Demon.” We flew closer and closer.
“Alright. Thanks.”
Mission Log 4: The Demon
Entering the dock we braced for attack. As soon as we would get in the dock the battle would start. We entered slowly. Guns were already pointed at us as if they knew we were coming. They fired and bullets flew like fire flies. We fired back. Greenish blood splattered everywhere. Running through ship we came closer and closer to death.
“Go without me I got this” Brenda said with a firey passion for fighting in her eyes.
“Alright.” I ducked and turn through the metal corridors trying to find The Demon. Turning the corner I stopped cold. At the end of the hallway was tall muscular fish man with bluish green scales. It was definitely him The Demon. In peer anger I yelled “ Where is he?”
“You’re not going to even ask my name.”
“My dad where is he?” I could feel a warm tear start to roll down my face.
He completely ignored my question. “ Well my name is Captain Dontain Zorro.”
“I don’t care about your damn name.” I couldn’t take his antics “ Where is my dad?”
I drew my gun and he backed up.
“ Woah. No need for violence.” he jokingly continued “ He’s… um working” He seemed oddly confident. I fired a warning shot.
“Ok since you want to play like that.” He wiped out a rifle. Bullets bounced off the wall like ping-pong balls. A burning pain hit my leg. Thick warm blood rolled down my leg. We both were out of ammo. I lifted my fist up ready to fight hand to hand. Lifting his hands I knew he agreed. Running at each other with the soul intent to kill each other. A fast fist hit the right side my face and I stumbled back. I jumped up and swung both of my legs doing a windmill kick and stunning him. With all my power I tackled him to the ground. One after another I swung. Then I paused. I stood there over a dead body. His face oozing with a purple blood. Knowing I beat the man who took my father deep inside there was a feeling of agony. Realizing how many people I just hurt for the sake of my dad. Feeling a tense shiver I ran to the door at the end of the hallway. It slowly opened revealing a barely lit room with wire hanging off the ceiling. There were a lot of computers in front of on big screen. I used the light on my arm as a little flashlight. I finally found my dad laying face down one one of the computers. He was surrounded by papers that read Hyper Star Destroyer. They took dad to make a beam to kill everyone in the Tadpole Galaxy. I wasn’t concerned because I finally saved dad. I turned him over. My body stopped scared and cold. There was a gaping hole in his chest. Dad was dead. My knees hit the floor. A puddle of my tears started to form. The same news message, for a couple of months ago, popped up in front of me as I laid next to one of the broken computer. Thinking it was my last thing from Faction 18 I would ever see.
Final Mission Log: The Message
“Umm… this is hard for me,” It was dad before he was dead “if you’re watching this I’ve past away for some reason. I want you to know I love you.” he continued “This is hard for you and I both. I hope you don't have to see this message for a long time. After my passing a simulation of  me will show up in your mind. I’m leaving you with my laboratory and all of my 1.3 million bits. SonI need you to be strong-” The message slowly faded out. Everything in front of me was blurry due to all the tears. I turned off my arm and closed my eyes. Me and my dad laid in the dark and emptiness. Thinking about all the people I let down. Brenda, myself, and most importantly my dad. Waking back up I realized Brenda had brought me back home. I sat on my bed in pain crying.

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