Crime Stoppers | Teen Ink

Crime Stoppers

December 15, 2016
By nathanparker5625 BRONZE, Monett, Missouri
nathanparker5625 BRONZE, Monett, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Crime Stoppers  
Chance and kendrick are sitting on a bench as a car pulls up. They weren't expecting company. They looked at eachother and nodded. As soon as the guy in the car noticed their badges in the shirts he took off in his car. Chance yelled, “Kendrick get in the car!” They then take off in hot pursuit. Little do they know is that this car they are chasing has a jet engine in it. He got away this time.
The next day Chance and Kendrick woke up early to do some research. They looked up all of the airline engine companies for any suspicious purchases. Not one hit, so they were left clueless. All they really could do is just keep on lookout, and stay by the phone for any leads.
Later that night they got a phone call. It was an unknown number so they turned the recorder on. The guy talking had a very raspy voice. He said, “I know something you boys want to know.” So Chance listened very closely and tried to cooperate with the man. The man didn't say much except to be sitting on the corner of Smith and Wesson around eleven at night. 
As Chance and Kendrick sit in their office getting everything they need ready. Ten forty five rolls around and they head out, fully loaded and have backup sitting at the ends of both streets. They sit patiently waiting for any sign. When suddenly they hear a loud whistling sound. They get out of their car, tell everyone to be ready, and watch as a pair of headlights grow brighter and brighter. Chance gets ready to deploy the spike strips they have put across the road, but before their eyes they witness the car take flight. In complete shock they watch the car fly over them. Once again the unknown man gets away.
Up all night looking at surveillance cameras, they could not get one clear picture of the driver nor the license plate. Frustrated and wanting to just give up the guys sit restless in their office thinking of anything they can do to catch this man. Many ideas were thrown out and none of them sounded like they would work. Until Chance gets ahold of the U.S. air force. After explaining the whole situation to the commander, they arranged for two fighter jets to be birds in the sky above them. Now all they needed was another clue for where this man will be again.
A couple days go by as they wait for another mysterious phone call. Sure enough the phone rings, Kendrick rushes to answer. A raspy voice says, “Could you guys not catch me again?”. Kendrick listens closely as the man tells him another set of coordinates. This time it was going to be downtown around one in the morning. Kendrick quickly hangs up and gets ahold of the U.S. air force commander ands sets up for when the fighter jets will fly by.
As twelve thirty p.m. comes Chance and Kendrick set out once again. This time knowing they can catch the man. They sit anxious waiting for the loud whistle to become notable. They look above seeing two little lights in the sky, which are the jets. It is now one in the morning, so they get out of the car and listen closely. Faintly they hear a whistle. They look at each other and nod, the time has finally come. They head lights grow brighter and brighter, and BOOM it takes off into the sky, this is where the fighter jets come into play. They swoop out of they sky and get underneath and on top of the car. They then deploy a metal pole from the the jets and it shish kabobs the car. Penetrating the engine, they retract the poles and the car falls from the sky.     
Chance and Kendrick take off in their car to the spot the car landed. They get out and run to the car, that was completely in flames, and pull the man out. He was unconscious with a mask over his face. They look at each other and ask simultaneously, “Do you want to pull it off?” So then the moment of truth, Chance gets next to the man and places his hand on top of his head. He grips the mask and yanks it off. They both sit in shock when they realise the face they are looking at is their boss, Jay Cole.
They next day both Chance and Kendrick go to the hospital to visit their boss. They walk inside, Chance ask the lady at the counter politely, “What room is Jay Cole in?” She replies back in a soft tone, “Mr. Cole is in room number 305.” Chance and Kendrick then walk thru the lobby to the elevators. Once they arrived on floor level four they get out and approach the room. There was a nurse helping feed Jay, they kindly ask her to leave the room, they can speak with Jay in private. After she leaves they pull seats up to his bed. They start with asking him how he is feeling, he said that he is paralyzed from the waist down, but that is not what they were there for.
Chance goes straight to it and asked him why he did it. He replied back with, “Well you see, our department has gotten much attention lately. I never meant for this to go as far as it did. It was suppose to be just a publicity stunt. I never thought that was gonna lead me to be in the condition I am in right now.” He continued on for another hour but Chance and Kendrick were already so mad that they did not pay much attention to what else he was saying.
Kendrick replied back, “Don’t you realize how much worse this could have turned out? There could have been a lot of people hurt in this incident and it was all for a ‘publicity stunt’?” Tensions were high in the room at this point everyone was at  a loss of words. Chance and Kendrick left the hospital in obvious confusion. From finding out the man terrorizing them was their boss, then finding out it was for publicity.
A couple of days go by, the office was really quit from the series of events that have happened. Nobody really knew what to do, but paperwork and stare at the walls of their cubicles. Nothing was the same, Chance and kendrick continued to do calls but they were never as enthusiastic about the jobs anymore. Then they get a call from the hospital that informed them their boss, Jay Cole, has passed away from serious bleeding in his brain. They did not believe it their boss, the man they looked up to and learned so much, from was dead. 
They did not let his death go that easily, they went to the hospital and asked for his autopsy report. There was no signs of bleeding in his brain anywhere. So then they dig deeper in, there was not something right. They ask for surveillance footage from earlier that day. After hours of watching it they saw a suspicious guy in a hood walk into the room with his hands in his pockets. They listen closely to the sounds and they heard arguing and then they sounds of fighting. So they then go to see his body and see that there was bruising on his face and an indentation an his forehead from which was made with some sort of heavy object. 
They get back to the office, confused because they had no leads. They had no idea who the man could have been, because Jay was the type of man that really did not have many hard feelings about anyone. Then suddenly the phone rings, Chance pick it up and a man answered, “I am sorry about what happened to your boss, but it is what had to be done.”

The author's comments:

This was written in my Creative writing class

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