Broken Codes of Conduct | Teen Ink

Broken Codes of Conduct

December 13, 2016
By Njoker99 BRONZE, Montgomery, Illinois
Njoker99 BRONZE, Montgomery, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The coins rattled with every step that pounded the ground. The man burst out of  his door in his trousers and  with half of his face shaved clean. He scrambled after me, desperation scratched into his features. His money, and my earnings, were tightly grasped in my fists. I didn’t expect him to follow me, but it wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle.  I was smooth as silk and my stealth took me effortlessly through the tangled streets of Barbados.
I turned a corner and collided with a body. I stumbled backwards with a strained grunt while the person in front of me didn’t even budge. I balanced myself out and noticed the barrier. He towered over me. I noticed a golden hoop hanging from his right ear and a blank face. The smell of salt and rum radiated off of him.
“Help me!” mock worry coated my face. I didn’t feel like wasting my time with the man that was after me. The man in front of me eyed the little sack in my hand. His lips drew an amused smirk as an eyebrow raised.
“Sure thing sweetheart,” He tilted his head to the side, and bent a little towards me. I leaned away from him. “I will help you.” He straightened his back. “But you have to come with me to the Black Rose.”
“The what?”
“It’s a pirate ship, love. We just came from a battle with that new nation and lost one too many people.” I shook my head and took a step back.
“There’s no way I’m going on a pirate ship. I’m not gonna be an Anne Bonny.”
“Not up to you, I’m not asking for your permission, doll.”
“There you are!” The man turned our attention behind me. “ Grab her! She’s a thief!” he screamed.
“I’m Alvaro, darling.” My aid grinned down at me.
“Nevermind, I don’t need your help.” Before I could take another step, Alvaro snatched the sack of coins out of my hand, then bent over. I let out a little yelp when he proceeded to throw me over his shoulder.
“Thank you.” The man sighed. He bent over to catch his breath.
“For what?” Alvaro questioned. He shook the sack in the man’s face, “for this?” The man’s eyebrows furrowed and his parted lips frowned. “I think I’ll keep this.” He concluded and pocketed my earnings. Alvaro started walking, and I fisted the back of his long blue coat.
“That's my money!” The man turned his desperation to Alvaro.
“Aye?” He spoke as he walked past the man, “What are you going to do about it?” The man just eyed Alvaro in defeat. There was nothing he could do now that his money, and my profit, were in the pockets of a pirate. It was my mistake of asking such a person for help.
“Look, keep the money. Just let me go.” I compromised, “I can’t go on a pirate ship.”
“You’ll be fine, princess.” He pranced on.
All too soon, the scent of salt got stronger and the wind blew stronger and colder.
“Captain!” Alvaro called out.
“Aye.” A rough voice boomed from behind me, “What is this?” Alvaro set me down and I immediately twisted around to face the Captain. His black beard reached his breasts and was home to more things than I could count. It was peppered with white flakes, like a dark night sky lit up by tiny stars. His face had a tan hue and was painted with grease and dirt. His eyes, shaded by bushy eyebrows, peered down at me. I felt as if those eyes could see right through me and examine all of my sins.
“We need someone to clean her.” Alvaro nodded his head towards the hulking brigantine behind the Captain, “Abe also needs a little hand with the meals.”  I heard someone scuff. I peered behind the captain to see a scrawny guy shooting dagger at me. He scowled, showing off his missing teeth.
“After what we just went through, dirty luck isn’t what we need on my ship.” The Captain spat, “do what you want with her and then leave her where you found her.” he dismissed and turned to board his ship. My mouth snapped open and anger pulsed through my veins as my hands formed into fists.
“Excuse me?!” the words formed on their own. The skinny guy pulled out his sword, ever so slightly. The Captain spun to face me. With three mighty steps, he stood only a few inches in front of me. My mouth zipped shut and my eyes widened as I looked up at two pair of emotionless eyes that were waiting for me to keep talking.
“Captain, “ Alvaro interrupted. “We need more to our crew.” He held up the sack of coins. ‘She’s a thief. She’ll come in handy.” He shook the bag at the Captain. The Captain snatched the bag out of Alvaro’s hand and reviewed me. He sighed and swept his crumby hand through his parisit filled beard.
“Fine.” He grunted. “You call me Captain John. Nothing more, nothing less .Do ye understand?” I nod. “She’s your responsibility, son.” He eyed me but spoke to Alvaro.
“Aye.” Alvaro promised. The Captain stomped away, followed by the lean man.
“Your name?” Alvaro guided me towards the plank that would board us onto The Black Rose.
“Alvianna.” My eyes followed the swordsman. “ Who’s that?” I nod toward him.
“I don’t like him.” 
“Lovely. You’ll be with Abe.” Alvaro stayed behind me to make sure I wouldn’t run away.
“Who’s Abe.” I don’t question, rather state. Annoyance, that my situation has been decided for me, drained and replaced the fury and fear.
“The cook. And a good friend.”
There was no tour, Alvaro only led me to a staircase that went down to the kitchen. The steps creaked with each foot that descended. As soon as Abe and I met, he dismissed my presence. Under Alvaro’s orders, I was to stay in the kitchen until we were far from Barbados. The air in there was too stuffy and smelled like rotten meat and fish. I didn’t bother to glance at the food choices and just stood, watching Abe. There was no effort in having a conversation so silence musked the meaty atmosphere. He didn’t seem to notice me at all.
Being ignored like that was something I was used to: only called when I was needed. I never knew my parents and was left at the doorsteps of an orphanage. I was never the topic of conversation or the person to have one with. I would get away with not doing my chores or just hiding all day because no one paid mind to the weak little girl that just happened to be there. I stole there often and got away with it too many times. I got caught once or twice. When I got too old to stay there, the head threw me back onto the streets.
“Can you tell me about the Captain?” It didn’t seem like we would leaving anytime soon so I tried to talk to Abe.
“It’s Captain John to ye lass.” He scolded but continued “I have been with the Captain since he took charge. He grew up on the mainland with a horrible father. After running away to the protection of the sea, he mingled with my old crew and when the position for Captain was open, he was in favor.”
“Do you like him?”
“Or course! There is a reason I’m still here. That and Alvaro.” He didn’t turn away from his work.
“And what about Alvaro?” Abe laughed out loud and we finally met eyes. Laughter and love filled his.
“Alvaro, my boy. The Captain loves him, as do I.” He waved his wooden spoon at me. “The boy was ten when the Captain found him. He grew from your exact position to first mate in no time. He spends most of his free time down here with me, so you’ll get to know him personally.” Abe winked at me.
Three weeks had past, and I had successfully steered clear of the Captain. Seth, on the other hand, got in my way a few times. He never hesitated to tell me that I was a waste of space and the Captain should just let my mutilated body sink to the bottom of the ocean. Each time, I fought back. We never pulled any weapons and Seth didn’t dare lay a hand on me, thanks to Alvaro. I, however, always landed a few effective hits.
Alvaro decided that it would be a good idea for me to tidy up the Captain's’ quarters. He knew, very well, that I had been purposefully avoiding him . Apparently, the Captain wasn’t aware of my assignment and blew up right in my face.
“What are ye doing here!” He howled at my face. I clutched the broom closer to my body and shrunk.
“Alvaro wanted me to clean your quarters, Captain.” My voice was barely audible.
“Captain John to ye!” He hissed taking a step closer. I stared wide eyed and didn’t mutter a word. His eyes wondered over my face and his feature softened. He sighed into my face and closed his eyes. His fingers pinched the bridge of his nose as he leaned away. “Finish up and get out.” His voice quieted down.
“Aye, Captain John.” I hurried to finish my assignment. He worked quietly and overlooked my presence.But I had the wonderful company of his tabby that would wander back and forth, from me to him. I stormed out as soon as I finished.
That same week, Alvaro brought me with him to look over the map work. Unfortunately, Seth was there. So was the Captain, but he wasn’t as irritating anymore.
“Why is this slag still on the ship, Captain John?” Seth welcomed me into the room.
“Watch yourself, you little bilge rat.” I spit my venom.
“Enough!” The Captain boomed. “Why did ye bring her?” He turned the attention over to Alvaro.
“I was bored, She was bored, and you’re probably bored. And Seth here is no fun.” He crossed his arms over his chest and shrugged his shoulders. The Captained huffed at Alvaro and then shot a glance at me before we got to work. By work, I mean, I lounged while the men did their thing.
“Bring us something to feast, lass.” The Captain addressed me after a while. But he didn’t look up from his map. I sat up instantly.
“Aye, Captain John.” I responded. Alvaro shot me a small smile as did what I was told.
In those three weeks, the Black Rose started to feel like home. I used to have a place I called home. After being let go by the orphanage, A boy named Chris, not much older than me and also a thief, took me in. All I had to do was make my earnings to pay rent. Soon, he started depending on my work alone. I bared with him a little while longer until I ran away one night with my my money and his debt. That was three years ago, and I never heard from him after that.
Four weeks later, I had merged into one of them. I had plenty of worthy mates on board and even got a few jewels, that I acquired myself,  pierced into my ears. Alvaro was finally forgiven for dragging me onto The Black Rose.
A storm had passed the night before, and the masts were damaged. I leaned by the kitchen door and munched through an apple. It was a little salty from the moist ocean air that surrounded us and coated it. Seth and a few others were selected, by the Captain, to clean up after mother nature. I, surprisingly, was left out of that decision.
“Ye strumpet.” Seth marched towards me and I straightened out. “This is all yer doing!” He shrieked at me. I took another bite. The rest of the hands stopped their work and enjoy the show.
“I didn’t do anything but feed you, swab.” I stepped closer to him.
“Get back to work!” Abe barked from the kitchen.
“This Wench is in the way, Abe.” Seth called down. Abe stomped up the stairs.
“Alvaro won’t have it.” He warned.
“Their Corsair is a curse.” spit flew with Seth’s words.
“Get back to work, knave.” I hissed at him.
“Ye should be doing this. Not me.”
“The Captain, himself assigned you to clean up, bucko.” Alvaro jumped in. “If I were you, I would get the job done first, then pick fights, matey.” he tilted his head at Seth.
Seth eyed me quickly then turned back to his job. Abe nodded at Alvaro and stumbled down the steps to the kitchen.
“Be careful with the boys.” He warned before strolling off.
That night, sleep came as easily as it always did. But it was unexpectedly interrupted. I harsh hand fisted my hair and yanked me off of my hammock, up the stairs, out of the warm kitchen and into the crisp night air on the deck.
“Get off of me!” I pushed away. Seth was smirking at me as I returned a grimace. He bared his teeth and grabbed hold of me again, this time, yanking my head back and pressing the edge of his sword on my neck.
“The Black Rose doesn’t need ye. Before we know it, we’ll all be swimming with the sharks.” He spoke through his teeth. I squirmed and he pressed the blade harder into my skin. I grunted and let a wade of spit fly out of my mouth and land on his face. He blink and used the back of the hand that was holding the sword, to wipe it away. I took the opening threw my fist at his jaw. It locked and he stumbled back a few steps. He tightened his grip on his sword and lunged in my direction. He swung for my neck and I ducked in time. My knee nailed his gut and he doubled over, opening the door for my elbow to connect with his bony back.
I panted, catching my breath. I took one step back at a time, as I waited for Seth to straighten out. He screamed in my direction before running for me. I stumbled back and squeezed my eyes shut, waiting for cold pain of the sword to impale me. My  breaths continued and my heart thumped in my ears. My eyes shot open to the sound of Seth’s cries suddenly hulting. I turned to come face to face with the powerful back of Captain John. I held my breath.
“Ye broke the Codes of Conduct.” The Captain seethed. “How dare ye go against yer own crew!” He shouted. Seth took steps back and The Captain mirrored him. “Ye walk the plank at sunrise.”
“C-captain.” Seth stuttered. I couldn’t see the Captain’s face, but I saw Seth’s eyes. Fear laced in each vein that painted them. The Captain called two other hands and they dragged him away, his fate sealed.
Captain John’s back heaved with each breath he took in. He watched Seth screech for his forgiveness. Once he was out of sight, the Captain turned around with heavy steps. His empty, deadpan eyes searched my face. I widened mine.
“Uummm.” I started.
“Be careful of the boys.” He interrupted and walked away.
“What did I tell you.” Alvaro cruised towards me once the Captain left me.
“Where were you?” I looked at him, my eyes softened and got heavier.
“I wasn’t needed. This time.” He crossed his arms over his sleeping shirt. “The Captain got there before me.” He looked in the direction of his quarters and I followed his gaze. I hummed in response.
“Anyway.” He looked down with a smile dancing on his lips. “You’re now a member of the hands of The Black Rose.”
That morning, the crew crowed on the deck. Abe stood by the kitchen door and watched from afar. The plank was set and ready for use. The Captain stood at the base of it, with Alvaro my his side. I was standing up there with them. When Seth arrived, I almost pitied him. He had dry blood staining his chin and a black eye. His hands were tied behind his arched back and his eyes stayed on the deck that I cleaned.
When Seth was situated on the plank, facing the ocean, his destination.
“Ye broke my codes, ye pay for it!” The Captain announced. The crew hollered and chanted as Seth took each step. I stayed quiet. I watched Seth, waiting for him to face me, but that didn’t happen.
“When ye go against one member of my crew, ye go against all of us!” His words spoke over the crew’s excitement.
“Anything, ye’d like to say?” the hands quieted down.
“The codes were broken when she stepped foot on The Black Rose.” His voice was raspy and weak.
“She boarded my Black Rose for my boy, Alvaro.” his eyes found mine. “She proved herself useful and worked under me and with my crew.” He defended me.
“Walk!” The Captain started the chants again.

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