2659 AD - Russian Missiles | Teen Ink

2659 AD - Russian Missiles

December 21, 2016
By RKASH_03 BRONZE, Moreland Hills, Ohio
RKASH_03 BRONZE, Moreland Hills, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

          My name’s Brett Wake and I’m the U.S.’s last hope.  And Jim, but mostly me.  We’re riding in the silent helicopter to the Southern edge of Russia.
          30 years ago, King Bacco became the leader of Russia.  I think he was an army general or something and somehow took over.  I don’t know, the history’s really confusing but I don’t get how anyone would let that idiot be the leader of a country.  He’s not even a king!  He’s a dictator, and if anything, a president.  I guess he just liked being called king, but anyway, he had no strategy to run the country.  All he ordered is for the army to take over other countries and expand Russia.  So, Russia grew but the economy was terrible because Bacco kept taxing them and using the money for random things.  He invested 8 billion dollars in smallpox research even though the disease doesn’t exist anymore!
          Russia currently has a population of 6 billion people out of the 10 billion in the world and owns 1/4 of land on Earth. 45% of the people are poor and barely have enough food.
          Then, there’s the U.S.  The second biggest nation in the world in population and geographically (we took some of Canada).
           Unlike Russia, our country is doing fine and isn’t run by a maniac.  While Russia was becoming worse, the U.S. has been getting better.  Only 3% of citizens are in poverty and the country has plenty of money after President Trump got rid of our debt and made jobs for American citizens in 2018.  Our current president, Kanye West the 19th, is doing well and America is rated the best nation in the world according to Wikipedia.
          This year, Russia was at an all time low.  The military failed to take over another country and people are dying from hunger and disease.  Bacco finally realized his people needed help and you know what he did?  He threatened the U.S..  He said if the U.S. doesn’t give him 650 billion dollars he’s going to shoot missiles at our country.   Our country can’t afford to give our money to Russia.  So the government had one option left.  To send their best spy (and Jim) to the Russian government headquarters and find out information on the missiles.   We only have a week before Bacco’s going to try to attack America so we have to find out how to stop the missiles fast. 
          The helicopter’s about to land.  I stand up and grab my stuff.  We landed in a rural area where the helicopter won’t be seen.  Me and Jim jump out of the helicopter and the driver tells us good luck and to remember to talk through our communicators.  The helicopter flies away silently and me and Jim check our GPS.
          We walk to the nearest road and raise our thumbs to hitchhike.  We don’t want to draw any attention to ourselves or look different than the people here.  That’s why we didn’t fly the high tech helicopter into the city and dress like the Men in Black.
          Finally a shipping truck stopped for us.  “We need to get to the city, you heading there?” I asked. 
           “Yeah, jump in.”  Me and Jim got into the truck and the the trucker started driving. 
           “Thank you sir,” Jim said.  “We’ve been trying to get to the city for the last 4 hours,” Jim lied. 
           “So why you guys headed to the city?” the trucker asked. 
           “We live there,” I said quickly.  “We were just taking a trip down here-”
            “To visit family,” Jim finished for me. 
            “Are you guys brothers?” he asked.  Me and Jim look nothing alike.  He’s 6 foot 7, muscular, and bald.  I’m leaner, smaller, and have a full head of black hair. 
            “Um, no we’re cousins.  We went to go see my parents,” I said. 
            “Aight,” the trucker said. 
             A few minutes later I realized this was a great time to try to find out about the missiles.
            “So are you from the city?” I asked the trucker. 
            “Kind of.  I drive back and forth from the farms to factories near the city.” 
            “What do you think about the whole missile threat thing?” I asked. 
            “What? What missile threat?” he asked concerned. 
            “Nothing.  Nevermind.  ” I said quickly.  Me and Jim looked at each other.  The public didn’t know about the missile threat at all.  Next time we have a chance we’ll tell this information to the government through our communicators. 
            “We’re here,” the trucker said.  I looked up and saw Russia’s capital city where the government headquarters are.  We drove into the city.  It had huge buildings but the biggest was the government headquarters. 
            “I’m about to drop off my load now, this is as far as I can take you guys.”  He pulled over to the side of the road.
            “Thanks for the ride,” Jim told him.  I opened up the door and we stepped out onto the sidewalk.
            The government headquarters building is about a mile away.  We started walking on the sidewalk to the biggest building in the city. 
            This is the most amount of homeless people I’ve seen in one area before.  There was someone sitting on the street, begging for money every 20 feet. 
            “I’m gonna check in with the team and tell them what I know,” I told Jim.  Back in the U.S. a team of about 130 people are in charge of the missile situation.  We have hackers ready for if we need them to help shut down the missiles.  There are people who are in communication with the president and air force commanders if we need to send the armed forces to Russia.
            I took out my communicator and called the team. “Hello.  Brett?” a woman said through the phone. 
            “Yeah it’s me.  Me and Jim are getting close to the headquarters.” 
            “OK, did you guys find out any information yet?”  She asked. 
            “Yeah,” I said. “The public doesn’t know about the missiles.  We only asked one guy about them and he had no idea what we were talking about.”  She started typing.  “We’re at the building.  Tell the hacker we’re ready,” I said to her. 
            “Got it.  Good luck,” she said and hung up. 
            We waited outside of the building and took out our fake IDs.  I got a message on the communicator saying we were good to go.  “
            “You ready?” I asked Jim. 
            “Yeah, let’s go.”  We walked through the big front doors and to the front desk. 
            Jim took out his ID and gave it to the lady at the desk. 
            “Al Krammer 144901 Basement Janitor,” she said and searched it up on her computer.  “Yep you’re good.”  She gave back his ID and looked in the file cabinets behind her.  “And here are your keys.”
            “Thanks,’  Jim said.  He walked down the hallway and took the stairs down to the basement.  I stepped up to her and gave her my ID. 
            “Parker Reed 615078 Arsenal Keeper.”  She typed it in but for a moment her face was confused.  I was so worried that the hackers messed up and I would be caught.  “Oh I typed the code wrong.  Parker Reed 615078.  Here you are sir.”  She gave me my ID. 
            “Thank you,” I said and hurried downstairs.  Jim was waiting for me.  He had a broom that he got from the janitor closet.  On the far side wall there was the arsenal entrance.
            There was a keypad for the code arsenal keepers were supposed to use.  For some reason janitors got keys instead that also worked.  That’s why we had Jim be a janitor. Before we came to Russia the team did research on how the headquarters worked.  We found all the information about how you get in and where everything is.  The hackers made us perfect fake IDs.
            Jim opened the door and we walked into the massive room.  It was probably almost a square mile.  “Woah.” said Jim.  “This is the biggest room I’ve ever been in.  Probably not as big as the U.S. arsenal though.” 
            There was rows of weapons from handguns to 200 pound bombs.  There were cases of hand grenades, flame throwers, and machine guns stacked on shelves.  There tanks and small fighter jets lined up.  They had a lot of modern weapons too.  They had giant concentrated laser beam blasters and lightning guns.  I even saw some weapons I didn’t know existed.
            Me and Jim walked around the giant arsenal looking for the missiles.  We were at the other side when I realized we weren’t the only ones in there.  A man saw us and came over.
            “Who are you guys?”  He asked.  “I’m Parker Reed, arsenal keeper,”  I answered.  I pulled out my ID and gave it to him. 
            “I’m just the janitor,” Jim said and walked away pretending to sweep.  The man looked at my ID. 
            “I’m an arsenal keeper too.  I haven’t seen you around here,”  He said. 
            “I’m new.  I got hired last week.”  He looked at me suspiciously. 
            “That’s weird that Mr. Jones didn’t tell me that he hired another Arsenal keeper.  You do know who Mr. Jones is right?” 
            “Yeah,” I answered confidently.  “He gave me the job.”
            “Oh really.  Because there is no Mr. Jones, I made him up!  You don’t really work he-”
            Jim had his hand over the man’s mouth and his arm around his neck.  He tightened his grip and slowly pulled him to the ground.  The man’s eyes were terrified at first but then slowly closed.  Jim let go and the man was unconscious on the floor.
            “Nice one,” I said. 
            “He should be out for at least 15 minutes.  Let’s find the missiles and get out of here,” Jim said.  Jim was always the best at fighting back in agent training.  I was also pretty good at combat but I was also smart.  I was a good liar and new what to do in certain situations.  That’s why I’m one of the best agents and was selected for this mission.  We split up and looked for the missiles.
            I searched the right wall and Jim looked for them in the tank and jet area.  I ran as I stared at the wall of weapons but there was nothing that was big enough to even destroy a building.
            After a few minutes I was the back of the arsenal.  That’s where they had there more expensive weapons.  There were shooting drones, freeze rays, laser guns, long distance tasers, and indestructible full body suits but no missiles.
            Jim ran up to me through an aisle.  “You find anything?” he asked. 
            “No.  They have to be here somewhere.  We did a satellite x-ray of the entire nation.  This is the only place big enough where the missiles could be held.”
            I was about go and keep searching but then I spotted a desk with a computer on it in the left corner.  “Hey Jim look.”  We walked up to it. 
            “You think it has information on the missiles?” Jim asked. 
            “I don’t know.  Let’s see if we can get into it.”  I sat in the chair and turned it on.  It had a password of course and I knew it was useless trying to guess it.  “Hey Jim call the team.  Tell them to put Adam on the phone.”  Adam’s the best hacker I know.  He’s the only one who could unlock it.  Jim handed me the communicator. 
            “Hey Adam we found a computer can you unlock it?” 
            “Yeah probably.  What type of computer is it?” He asked. 
            “Uh, Nintendo Macbook Pro 3.” 
            “OK.  Open up the bottom of it and tell me the code on the inside of the panel.”  I took out my screwdriver pen and unscrewed the bottom. 
            “1502027.”  For 20 seconds I heard rapid typing. 
            “Ok do you see a yellow wire,” Adam asked. 
            “Cut it.”
            Jim handed me his knife and I sawed through it.  “Ok I did.”
            “Shut down the computer, restart it, and there won’t be a password,” Adam said. 
            “Aight, thanks Adam,” I said and hung up.  I followed his instruction and wished the computer would start faster.  The computer finally unlocked.  I went to the arsenal weapons search and searched up missiles.  There were no results.  Then something occurred to me.
I couldn’t believe me and a team of the most brilliant people in the U.S didn’t think of this.
            “Jim.  There are no missiles.” 
            “Where are they than do you think they have another arsenal out of the country?” 
            “No I mean there are no missiles at all.  It was all a bluff.  Russia doesn’t have any missiles.”  At that moment 6 security guards and the guy Jim knocked out burst through the door.
            “That’s them!” the guy yelled.  An alarm went off and me and Jim sprinted into an aisle. 
            “Jim message for the chopper, we need to get out of here.”  Jim pulled out the communicator and typed as he ran.  I grabbed a handgun and a round of ammo off the shelf.  The guards were running after us.  They pulled out there guns and told us to stop.  I then jumped on the shelf and hurled it onto the side.  Jim did the same and we kept running for our lives.  A few guards tried to jump over the shelf but I shot some bullets near them and they ducked ducked back into there own aisle.
            The door was close.  Me and Jim sprinted as fast as we could through the door and onto the staircase.  We needed to get the information back to the team.
            At the top 2 more guards appeared but Jim punched one in the jaw and I tripped one and stepped over him.  We ran through the hallway and there were 4 more guards near the exit doors.  I jumped over the front desk avoiding a guard but one tackled me.  Jim kicked the guard in the eye and I scrambled out of his grip.  We ran out of there, into the streets.
            The helicopter was 40 yards away and had a rope ladder hanging from it.  I was out of breath but I kept pumping my legs as fast as I could.  A Russian police car was behind us and and the cops were shooting at us.  I ducked behind a car and threw the gun at their windshield. 
            Me and Jim ran to ladder and jumped on as the helicopter was flying away.  We climbed up until we were safe inside the copter.  Me and Jim called the team and told them everything.  America was safe.

The author's comments:

When I decided to do this contest, I wanted to see if I could make my story sound like a published book by a proffesional writer.

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