The Clown | Teen Ink

The Clown

January 17, 2017
By Anonymous

Biscayne Bay at the bay. 83 degrees its a hot summers day. My boat is loaded at the dock. Moving along with waves. I, Sam Chapters have to go to New York so I could follow my dreams and become a clown. But not the typical clown that talks. More like a mim but... Not a mine. You know? Like right in the middle. Anyway I had got a job offer at my dream clown tent. Melaplays. It;s this really cool place where all the entertainers go to and during the simmer they put on shows for kids. I've seen a lot of YouTube videos on the Melaplays. Last year one of the entertainers fell off the rope and didn't have the a net under him so imagine how that went. Or you could just search it on YouTube. Oh and a few kids went missing last year too. But it happens every year. They have a whole variety of entertainers

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