The Wolfs | Teen Ink

The Wolfs

December 17, 2017
By YourPalRoss BRONZE, Brandon, Florida
YourPalRoss BRONZE, Brandon, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 “Headshot!” Crystal shouted she had finally hit the target with her new bow Ari got her. Today is Crystal’s birthday (So is Jazzy’s) she got a bow and a pet pig from Ari. Meanwhile… Jazzy just woke up from her slumber and was greeted by Dark knight, her caretaker, with a present. In the present was a black and red dagger “Thank you D.K.!” (Short for Dark Knight) “No problem, now we can get recruits for the mission.” D.K. said smiling. “Ari, can we see what Rock is doing? I want to say ‘Hi’!” Pleaded Crystal “Sure.” “YAY!”.
     Crack! “Great… Another block of coal- ““Rock!” “Crystal!” Crystal said while hugging Rock tightly. “Good, you’re getting stronger.” Rock said trying to breath “Oh! Sorry.” “It’s ok.” 2 hours pass by “Ahhh!”  Crystal said while dogging Rock’s pick axe “Great job!” Ari says in the background while watching them fight. Mocha, Rock’s sister, yells “Ari, code black! Code black!” Ari runs and grabs Crystal, leaving the cave heading to the house. “What’s going on?” Crystal asks but, Ari doesn’t answer. “Crystal, hide yourself somewhere safe I’ll be right back.” About to leave Crystal quickly hugs Ari saying, “Be careful.” “I will.” Without a good-bye Ari rushes outside and suddenly gets tangled in a trap “Well. Well... what do we have here?” “Jazz search the house.” Ordered Dark night. Jazzy held her dagger near Rock and brought him out while Mocha lied dead on the floor crying. “MOCHA!!” Ari and Rock yelled. Crystal questioned why they were yelling Mocha but, said nothing. “C’mon let’s go.” Without a cry they disappeared. Ari sat on the ground near Mocha and cried while Crystal came out of her hiding place and saw what she was crying about. “Crystal…. Good bye…” says Ari disappearing with D.K.”NO!” Crystal shouted. Crystal stood there crying while Aquarius came from behind and said “Guards search the area. Crystal what’s wrong?” “They took Ari and Rock away!” “C’mon let’s go find them! But first, we need help.” “From who?” Crystal said with a puzzled look.
           “Welcome to the Bounty club! We’ll find who we’re looking for here.” Aquarius said with a smile while Crystal stood there quizzically. “We need your help, Chrys.” “Why don’t you ask your pip-squeak friend?” Crystal turned dark red, about to get her bow and shoot it at Chrys but, Aquarius stopped her and said to Chrys “Please help us, you’re the only one.” “No, get her parents they’ll help.” Aquarius turned towards Crystal and closed her ears saying, “One night they died from Jazzy, her sister who turned.” “Then Ari, she always helps her.” “Jazzy got Ari too.” Shocked with the answer she sadly cried “Fine, but we still are not friends.” “Good enough for me.” Said Aquarius taking her hands off of Crystal’s ears seeing that she is eating someone’s chocolate. “Crystal! That’s not yours!” “So….” Aquarius mad at the answer, Chrys walked up to Crystal to pet her head. “I like this pupper already.”
            “Crystal watch out!” Says Aquarius while Crystal dodges the arrow and runs to Chrys. “They’re everywhere!”  “Not if I can help it!” Chrys goes for the kill but they disappear. “What just happened?” Crystal shouts “I hit one with my bow and they all disappeared.” Aquarius and Chrys gasped and said, “YOU HAVE THE ONE KILL BOW?!?” “yea, Ari got it for me.” “Cool.” Chrys replied.
       They walked more until they reached a sugary type of biome. “Where are we?” Aquarius asked, “The Candy dimension, it is very sugary and if we go through here we while reach the dark kingdom where Jazzy is.” Chrys says then, a gummy bunny appeared “Awwwww!” Aquarius cried with excitement, before Crystal ate it. “Crystal!” They yelled “What? You expect me to not eat it?” Later they found a portal made with red candy cane blocks and Chrys said “Let’s go into this portal, it may be a short cut.” “No! It leads straight to the Water king-.” “Here I go!” Interrupted Crystal “Let’s go get her.”  Aquarius said joining Chrys into portal going after Crystal.
      “Wow!” Crystal said with excitement seeing a siren coming towards her. “Crystal watch out!” Chrys yelled pulling Crystal and Aquarius aside. “Why are you running from me?” Said the siren “Come and listen to my voice.” They started swimming away from her but, they couldn’t swim fast enough. “By the way I’m Siren the siren, I don’t need you guys I just want Crystal.” “No! You can’t have her!” Aquarius yells “I won’t hurt her I just need her locket, so I can get the money I deserve.” “Still no!” “Fine, fish arise from the deepest sea and get me that locket!” Suddenly fish come out from the depths of the sea, trying to attack Crystal but miss every time. “Crystal get your bow out and help us!” “I can’t shoot my bow underwater.” “Then get your sword.” “I don’t have a sword.” Crystal quickly dodges the fish coming fast like turpentines. “We need to get up on the surface!” Chrys says pointing up so we start heading to the surface while dodging all the fish coming towards us. After the long swim they made it to the surface and spot an island and headed for it. When they got on the island they made a shelter and looked for land so they could get to dark kingdom before Rock and Ari were no longer alive. “Great, we are stuck here all because of Crystal.” Aquarius wined “Not my fault, it’s yours.” “HOW?” “Well, you told me we should go in there.” Aquarius said with an impression of Crystal “First I didn’t say that, second I don’t sound like that!” Later in the day Crystal and Aquarius finally started to go to sleep while Chrys tried to build a boat and make dinner. “Me me me me.” Crystal said trying to Imitate Aquarius “I’m going to sleep near this tree while you can sleep near the water.” Aquarius said with a smirk on her face “Fine, I will.” Crystal answered drifting into a deep sleep.
       Meanwhile on the other side of the island… “Oww!” Rock yelled while on the ground getting stabbed in the hand “Hold still I’m almost…. Done!” She had finished, and Rock was crying like a waterfall because dagger D.K. was holding was on fire so it was hot like lava in a volcano. Ari cried “Why are you doing this? He is just a kid!” “So? When Crystal was young she felt hurt when Jazzy killed her parents in front of her face-.” “D.K. Help!” “Yes Jazz. I’ll be right back.” D.K. Said while pushing Rock back in the cage with Ari “Are you ok?” “Yea, it’s just that... I never knew that- ““I’ll tell you the story.”
     “Once upon a time, there was a Queen named Peridot she was a werewolf and was pregnant with twin Wolfs. She was always kind to others and she loved to paint pictures and every queen has a king. His name is Diamond, he was a werewolf with black fur and blue eyes and wears a white robe with jewels on it. The king wasn’t greedy but, he helped the were-wolfs around the kingdom. In his spare time, he would help Peridot paint pictures. The king and queen lived happily in the Kingdom of Wolf but, one night a witch casted a spell on the Queen that she would not bear a werewolf, but a rabbit girl and the rabbit girl would turn evil at the age of 5 and that night she would kill her family and never rest till they die. The next day when the queen woke up and was about to have the twins! So, called the royal nurse named Joy she was the best nurse in the city she loved helping the Queen and she had blue eyes and black hair but, anyways Joy rushed to the Queen and pop! The Twins were born. One was named Crystal and the other one was named Jazzy she was a rabbit. 1 year goes by and Crystal and Jazzy were 1 year old and on their birthday, they both were given heart lockets one was white for Jazzy and one was gold for Crystal. “THANK YOU!” thanked the twins. 4 years pasted and one night Jazzy grew evil in her and murdered her parents and scared Crystal away- ““And you saved her?” “Yes.” “Wow poor Crystal.”
       “Ugggggg! I’m starving, I’m dying I’m-.” “Quiet Crystal I hear something!” They listened and heard a voice and it was crying out “Help! Someone, Anyone! Help!” “Let’s go help them! It could be Rock.” “Fine” Aquarius and Chrys agreed and ran to heels but, got caught in a trap “Looks like I found Gold.” Said D.K. “No! What have you done to Ari-.” “Rock!” Crystal cried seeing him on the ground with a collar around his neck and a leash connecting to his collar to in Jazzy’s hand “Is he?” “Nah, he just sleeping, for a very long time.” Crystal cried and said, “I WON’T LET THAT HAPPEN… THIS CANT BE…” “It’s real sweet heart.” Ari stood by Rock caring him and said, “Crystal I-.” “You done enough.” Ari cried and Jazzy stood up trying to grab the locket but failed “Let me have- it...” Just then Crystal’s locket lit up and she turned big and ripped the cage then turned to Jazzy and hugged Jazzy turned shocked and fated away saying “I’ll miss you forever but, just remember I will always love you.” Her angel voice fated, and Crystal sat there smiling and crying as tears of joy dripped down her face D.K. Ran away and said she will get revenge. “Crystal...” Crystal turned and saw Rock and ran up to him and gave him a kiss. “Never leave me again...” “I won’t.”. Ari and they rest of the group came up and join for a hug they will always remember down in their hearts, The End.

The author's comments:

I Forced to do it!

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