The Room | Teen Ink

The Room

March 9, 2018
By cassypoo819 BRONZE, Greensboro, North Carolina
cassypoo819 BRONZE, Greensboro, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was a sunny day, and I was just walking in my yard. I was trying to find the ball that my dog hides in the same place every day. But for some reason it wasn’t there. As I was looking in all the places that I could think of when,  I saw something moving in the ground. I go over to where I saw the motion, and look all over the area but nothing was there. My mom let my dog outside, and she came running over to me sniffing all around the ground. She stopped in a spot where she normally hides the ball. She lifted one ear up like she was listening to something moving in the ground. But that wasn’t possible, there was not a hole.
My dog starts barking as loud as she can while scratching at the ground till there is a huge hole. My dog, Cassy, continues scratching until she hits a really hard tan metal as it makes a “Ding” sound. I run inside my house to find my parents, and bring them outside. I was so confused I couldn’t even begin to think about what I had found, or maybe what Cassy had found. I started to look all around the yard for some clues about what this could be. But there was nothing.
Later that day, I was still trying to figure out what could possibly under the ground. Could it be a spaceship, a big toy, or even a chest. I don’t even know who would have put whatever this is in there. But i was going to figure this mystery out. I went to my room to brainstorm what i could do to get figure out what is in my yard. I could just keep digging but that would take forever. The thing is huge!
Digging will probably be the only choice. I will have to get everyone in my family to help me, even Cassy. I go back downstairs and ask my family if they will all help me dig. They are all on board except for the fact that we will have to tear up the yard. But that will be worth once we find out what this is. I look around the yard to see if maybe there is a lever somewhere that I didn’t see. But of course there was not.
  My family comes out with Cassy and a bunch of shovels. They come out of the house looking like they are in a movie or in slow motion. We wonder how long the metal thing is because we need to know where to start digging. Cassy starts barking at something and I run over to see where it was. I see something move again out of the corner of my eye, and Cassy starts running towards it. I am really wondering what is going on.
I look down at the whole and see a lever. I think that this is the lever that will uncover or open the metal thing. But I still wonder what is always moving around in our yard.  I call my family over to show them the lever. My mom says, “ We should pull it and see what happens.” I like that idea, but i see the look in my dad’s eyes and he is worried that it will lead to trouble. We decide that we are going to pull and hope that it leads to something.
I reach down a pull the lever slowly to make sure that nothing bad happens. As soon as the lever is pulled I hear a really loud noise where the metal thing is. I look down to see a door that appears and slowly starts to open. Yes! I knew that we could find out what this is. We walk away and go inside for a little bit because we want to wait and see what happens. After about twenty minutes we go back outside and see that there is a set of really long stairs. “ I don’t see a floor, what if it just keeps going?” I slowly start walking down the stairs and my family follows after me. I turn on my phone and use it as a flashlight, and I finally see a floor. But I also see some people in this. I scream, “Guys there are people here!” All the people look at me like I did something wrong, maybe I did.
I walk down to the people, “What are you doing underground in my backyard.” They don’t answer me and I ask again. They still don’t answer me. So I ask one more time with more intent to know the answer. They finally answer me saying, “ We are underground and trying to find an extinct animal in your yard. You are in what we call The Room.” I am very confused and worried. Will we be able to get out and will the animal be ok? I am still stoked that we have a secret room in our backyard. I don’t even know if we should be down here but I will come down here anyway.
I ask the people if I am allowed to be down here but I doubt they will care. They don’t reply, I am starting to think that they have hearing loss. Or they are from a different planet and don’t understand my language very well, but that is very unlikely.
So this is my story. The story of a really weird room in my backyard.

The author's comments:

This is a fictional story by Ashlynn H

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