Bloody Paradise | Teen Ink

Bloody Paradise

March 14, 2018
By Shentor BRONZE, Long Beach, California
Shentor BRONZE, Long Beach, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

  Bloody Paradise
    In the small town of El Paso, Texas, Logan and his three friends- Drew, Ryan, and Brad spent most of their days inside their apartment playing video games and partying, but little did they know where life was going to take them next. Logan's birthday was arriving right around the corner, he was talking to his mother about what he wants to do for his upcoming birthday. Ryan overheard their conversation and heard Logan telling his mother he would love to go to Hawaii but he can't afford to take a trip yet. Ryan, Drew and Brad came up with this brilliant idea about surprising Logan with a round trip to Hawaii they looked more into it and bought 4 tickets to Hawaii. Logan's birthday arrived and little did he know a plane was waiting for him but he did not know where him and his friends were headed to because it was still a surprise.Thousands of feet below he starts to see crystal clear water and lands full of green he suddenly gets a rush of excitement that leaves him speechless.
    They finally arrive to their resort and Logan has the biggest smile on his face, Logan and his friends decided to go out for some breakfast while walking around the streets in Hawaii. They run into a yacht rental place about 30 feet from them, they go and get details on the yacht. They make up their mind and decide to rent the yacht, immediately after that they uber back to their hotel and start looking for nice outfits they brought because now they are throwing him a yacht party with many other people they found around town. Later that day, around noon, everybody arrives to the yacht and slowly start floating away. Logan is having the best time of his life! About 4 hours into partying on the yacht, they decide to drop everyone off back at shore so that Logan can spend time with the boys. They decided to still stay on the yacht and go explore more around the ocean, Logan and the guys suddenly see a small island up ahead of them.
    Logan and his friends arrive to the small island and get off the yacht. As they start going more deep into the island, they slowly start realizing the island is abandon. Not only was this island abandon, it had the most beautiful beach they've ever seen; this beach had black sand and pinkish water, they were all left astonished by how amazing it was. The guys were going deeper into the island & they start to see these beautiful, big homes with pure glass walls and extravagant views. Their curiosity led them to explore those homes, before sunset they start heading back to their yacht and they came to realization that it was gone. They all eventually start to freak out, not knowing what to do. Nobody had signal on any of their phones whatsoever nor a boat near by. As the sun starts to set more, they decide to just hang around and adventurize the island to not end off Logan's birthday on bad terms. As they are walking around, drained and tired, they start to see traps. Brad gets a weird feeling and starts to catch on that something isn’t right, Drew and the guys decide to just go to one of the homes meanwhile someone helps them out and they eventually did so.
    At the house they stayed at, they decide to drink alcohol that Ryan had in his bag, to kill time. A couple hours later it gets really dark outside, it was a cold, quiet and lonely night. One thing that was awesome about these homes is they still had electricity so light wasn't an issue inside, besides being outside. Later that night Logan, Brad and Drew fall asleep. Ryan said he couldn't sleep because he was overthinking about the yacht missing. Him overthinking caused him to be the only one awake. Hours pass by and he still couldn't sleep, he decides to go out on the porch to catch some air and relax. As Ryan stood there for a cool minute, he starts to feel bad tension around him, he then hears footsteps running towards him and he immediately went into shock mode because there was nothing in front of him. As an hour goes by Ryan finally falls asleep and Brad then wakes up to use the restroom. Meanwhile using the restroom, he sees someone dressed in all black staring at him from outside.
    As Brad starts to get closer to the glass window to get a better glince at the person, the person starts to slowly walk around the house so Brad runs to the bedroom they're sleeping in and immediately wakes up Logan and his friends. He then is explaining what he just seen and they all freak out but try to remain calm. Drew, on the other hand, goes downstairs and walks outside to see who it was. Drew is asking the person what he wants or if he has seen a yacht nearby that they lost. The person then reaches into his pocket and takes out the keys for the yacht and says “ maybe these are the keys.” Drew immediately runs inside and starts shutting every window and door there is. As Drew is running around closing the windows and doors, Logan and his friends run downstairs and ask what was going on. Drew says, “ there's no time to explain, this person is up to something bad. Get as many things as you can use to protect yourself.” They then run up stairs with all their weapons. When they’re upstairs, they start to hear the person trying to open the doors and they slowly start to walk down. The guy in all black breaks a glass wall with an axe he had. The guys all run into one of the bedrooms while the person is in the house going to every door there could possibly be. Drew walks out the bedroom, before the guy in black reaches the bedroom they are in. As the person is reaching for the bedroom doorknob that they're in, Drew comes from behind and hits him in the head with a glass flower vase. Logan and his friends had the advantage to escape, They decide to run out the house and go into the island. It is about 4am now, a cold and quiet morning, while they are all running for their lives. Brad gets caught by a trap they had seen earlier, he is screaming for his life. While he was caught on the trap, painfully yelling, it was brought the persons attention and that led to Logan and his friends trying their best to take it off. Brad decides that they should all pull on one side to open it. They finally got it to open, as they are running Brad is dripping lots of blood from his leg losing air, feeling exhausted, he decides to stop and sit down to catch some air but his friends tell him not to give up and to keep going because they have to make it out alive. Brad doesn't agree, Ryan decides to stay with him so that way Logan and Drew can go get help, they both run back to the house they were in to get their belongings and as they are walking out the house, the killer sees them and starts to run towards them. They run away as fast as they can but Logan trips and falls which gave the killer time to catch up to them. The killer gets closer and Drew is thinking of ways they can haunt him down so they do so. The killer approaches them, while Logan still on the floor, the killer goes for him first but Drew kicks him hard before he drops the axe on Logan. The killer then stood up but Logan and Drew did not give up, they end up taking the axe from him and they swing the axe on his neck and the killer immediately drops to floor while blood is gushing out his neck. He is slowly dying and Drew and Logan go back to Ryan and Brad. As they are walking,the sun is rising, they finally get to them but Brad unfortunately lost lots of blood that he can't even walk or talk of how drained he is. They decide to pick him up and go back to the shore where they left the yacht for some help. An hour goes by and they see a boat floating by, they start to scream for help, screaming out their lungs, the boat approaches them and gets off quickly and ask “what's going on?” they say, “there's no time to explain right now, can you please get us some help?”The boat driver says “of course, come on i'll take you guys down to the emergency.”  As they were on the boat, Logan starts to explain what has been going on, you should've seen the look on his face. It then turns out that the boat driver knew about that island and he knew someone stayed there to haunt, they were left shook. They arrive to the emergency and take Brad in, they say he's okay he just lost lots of blood and is at high risks, he ends up being just fine just got stitches on his leg this led them to overall have a memorable birthday for Logan

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