Fortnite Story | Teen Ink

Fortnite Story

March 14, 2018
By Bo_Jangles BRONZE, Holstein, Iowa
Bo_Jangles BRONZE, Holstein, Iowa
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Do you wish you could be in your favorite game? One day I was slowly walking in my school and I go into the basement and I see a some type of a game. It was the game Fortnite. I was playing it and it started to glow up and I started to fade away. I was in the game
I was so confused what was going on. There were so many characters that I saw it was amazing! There was this one character that looked like a nutcracker. There was another one that looked like another human. I was so freaked out by what was going on but I kind of liked it because I was in my favorite game. I got to see my favorite characters.
So here we are starting a game and let me describe you the how to play. First, you jump out of a school bus that has a hot air balloon on it. Then you land somewhere to find a weapon. You can build to protect yourself. If you die you have to play another game. You can get a lot of wins. I have none cause I just started. There is a storm that you have to run away from. There is a safe zone called the eye of the storm. Only people who got stuck in the game and talk so we can talk to each other. If you die you have to restart.
    My first game in I found a gun and I left because I didn't want to get killed. I was in a bush so I didn't have to fight anyone and get killed. I am really bad at this game right now but when I play it a lot I will get the hang of it. I started to move because I wasn't in the zone. When I got in the zone, I went inside a house and I went into the bathroom and when I went in there, there was a guy and I died.
     My second game on I´m feeling great about this one. I see a guy, I kill him easily. I grabbed his loot and I just run away. Now, I´m bandaging myself in a fort and I see a guy, I snipe home from 256 miles away. I´m thinking to myself that I´m doing good, I won´t die, and keep doing what I'm doing. I´m in the top 15 right now and I´m

thinking to myself can I win or choke. I see another guy, I come up right behind him and kill him right away. I´m like holy crap I can´t believe I'm doing this. Now, I start to build a base in the circle and I get sniped but I didn't die. I slowly get back to the wall and start to bandage up. I hear somebody, he is right by my base and he is building up. I pull out a shotgun and we are missing each other. I think this guy is so bad at the game because he can't hit me but that's when he hits me once and I start to run away. He is chasing me and he hits me in the head and I die. Remember I have to win to get out of the game.
    My third game I land Retail Row and I´m feeling good about this game. Retail Row is a town that you can land in. I find a gun right off the bat. There is a guy in my house and bam I kill him. I go outside to find some more people or characters. I see a guy in a broken down house and I slowly crouch up to him and I kill him right in the back of the head. So I back outside and run fast to Salty Springs so I can find more people. A character saw me and started to shoot at me and I started to build like crazy because I am almost dead. The character is building up to me. I am really scared right now. I jump once missed him and my second jump I killed him. The character had so much loot that I can take. I was set for this game. I was thinking to myself that I might win this game. I go back into my base and bandage up real quick. I drank some shields to protect me even more. I start to run to the circle because the storm is coming. When I get into the circle there is about 10 people left in the game. I have 3 kills right now but it's not good enough. There is a character building a base right beside me and I start to fire an RPG at him. The character is starting to get scared so I am just spraying my AR ammo at him so he can dies and I kill him. Right now there is 5 people alive. I am so nervous right now so I decided to peak a guy and KAPOW I get sniped right in the head.
    My fourth game, I got a feeling that I’m going to win this one. I head over to Fatal Fields and I land at stables but some other people like to call it long barn. I break a door and I walk in and I see a chest, I open the chest and I get the best gun in the game. It’s called the SCAR. I run out of the door and I shoot somebody. So then I run over to the house and I find a shotgun and I one shot them to the head. I’m so hyped right now. I’m thinking to myself this could be the game. Right now I have two kills and I want to get more than at least 8. Here I am running to the circle and all of a sudden a character comes up right behind me and shoots me, so I quickly build and I blast him in the head. I was so nervous. When I’m healing up I hear a guy and he is coming up to my base and he shoots me and then I jump out of my base and I come up right behind him and kill him. Now I’m even more nervous than before. There are 15 people left. Here comes the storm and I start to run because it’s right behind me. I look my my right slowly and I see a guy. I kill him really really fast. When I get into the circle I make a base and heal myself. Now I’m walking slowly to the next circle. I build a tall base. Right now my loadout is: legendary SCAR, epic shotgun, a legendary sniper, a legendary RPG, and I have heals. There are 5 people left. I saw a guy walk into a bush and I pull out my sniper and kill him. Now i’m just waiting for the other people to die. I see only one guy. I start to RPG  him and now he is building quickly so he doesn’t die. Then I pull out my scar I just start to fire at him. When he stops building I kill him. I shot him in the head and he died.

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