Rush of Heat | Teen Ink

Rush of Heat

May 14, 2018
By Amandark_ BRONZE, Williamsville , New York
Amandark_ BRONZE, Williamsville , New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end. If not always in the ways we expect".
-Luna lovegood

I set the bomb on the table, inspecting it carefully, trembling as I picked up the blue wire. Sweet poured down my face, the bomb ticked every second, 5 minutes 30 seconds, then 5 minutes 29 seconds. I inspected the wires, three blue, two yellow, and one green. I looked for a battery but to no surprise, nothing. This is risky. This bomb, this line of business. Everything. Every desicine that I make determines the outcome, every breath, every second counts. I was well aware of the risk when starting this business, yet did so anyways. My eyes started to move around the room, looking at the posters and charts on the wall. One of the worst possible places to put a bomb, in a school. Children locked in classrooms, trembeling with fear, teachers hidden panic, trying to calm everyone down, trying to convince them everything's okay. Then there's me, the bomb diffuser, looking calm, even though my thoughts are racing, decisions must be made.
I sigh, never have I thought that someone could be so cruel as to purposely, knowingly, place a bomb in a building full of innocent people, innocent children. And on top of that, be okay with it. It doesn’t matter why for now, motives will be figured out later. All that matters now is that I stop the bomb, all that matters that I get these children to safety. All that matters is no one. Not a soul. Leaves here harmed.
Taking a closer look at the wires again, seeing which one goes where, I noticed that  one looped around the bomb, that one it didn’t matter, it didn’t do anything, it was just a decoy. If it was cut, nothing would happen. If it was left alone, it wouldn’t matter. I look at another wire, one of the blue ones. It curled around itself once before it’s attached to the other side of the bomb. My eye drift to the clock. 1 minute, 45 seconds. I started to hyperventilate before getting myself together, I’ve spent a good 2 mins looking at  my surroundings instead of doing my job. Never having to deal with a situation like this before, a situation that involves the lives of children. One wrong move and we’re all dead. And it would be. My. Fault.
I look at the blue wires, everyone in my academy was told that blue wires were always your safest bet, and that when your desperate on time to cut that wire. So deciding against the blue wire that curled, that left me with the decision about which one to cut. In a split second I decided to pick the left one “It couldn’t hurt to try… oh… wait, it can.” I mumbled before cutting the wire. Nothing. Sighing in relief my whole body fell back, all of the tension leaving my body. All of the sudden I felt a rush of heat; then, before I could react, Darkness.

The author's comments:

A Bomb was placed in a school and the bomb diffusure must diffuse it before time runs out.

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