The life of the Karate Zombie | Teen Ink

The life of the Karate Zombie

May 18, 2018
By AJNarwhale BRONZE, East Layton, Utah
AJNarwhale BRONZE, East Layton, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 My friends name is "Mi-chel" and his dad teaches karate. His name is "Ackie-Chan". I was heading over to my next lesson when a stray zombie dog came up to me and snatched my arm. I hobbled as fast as I could to the Dojo so that the dog couldn't get the rest of my body parts.

Chapter 1: Welcome

You think you know all there is to know about zombies, but you are incorrect. My name is N and yes, I am a zombie. Me and my friends are smarter than the average zombie. We have been given special "powers", so we are somewhat able to talk. I don't know how I got my name, but it was on a thick card that had blood on it and it covered everything but the letter "N". My friends name is "Mi-chel" and his dad teaches karate. His name is "Ackie-Chan". I was heading over to my next lesson when a stray zombie dog came up to me and snatched my arm. I hobbled as fast as I could to the Dojo so that the dog couldn't get the rest of my body parts.

"And then it just fell right off! What am I going to do now?" I said to Mi-chel worriedly " I can't do the lesson without my arm!" Mi-chel looked at me then looked at my arm and said, "I have an idea." Ackie-Chan walked into the room and said "ok N! You ready for your-" he looked at me in disbelief. My arm was in the dog's mouth while Mi-chel was trying to get it away from him and I was trying not to fall over. "ummm..." N and Mi-chel said together.

I walked home that night and was really frustrated with what happened.

Ackie-Chan said, 'I should go home and fix it on my day off " I live in the Neon district. The name is self-explanatory because of the neon green and yellow chemicals everywhere. The reason my friends and I can talk is because of the green goo. Did we fall into it? Had it got onto our skin? No. We simply drank it because we wanted to see what would happen. I tried showing the remedy for better communication to the humans, but it didn't end well. Tink, tink tink, a metal cup fell and hit the floor. I flinched and stopped walking. Something was in the shadows. I went into "Ready Stance" and prepared myself. Then I ducked down, and a knife went zooming past my head. I looked behind me and there it was. From top to bottom in black with a blue ribbon on its forehead, was a human girl with long brown hair. She looked at me with pure hatred and me the same. Then she threw another one directly at my head.

Chapter Notes:

next chapter coming soon!

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