Turtles | Teen Ink


May 22, 2018
By Halle1234 BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
Halle1234 BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I once came to be a long time ago when a brave soul bought me from the outdoor store. At this point in time I was living in a small town with one gas and one general good store. I was lucky enough to be in the nearby town so I would find a new home hopefully. I haven’t had a change in scenery since about five weeks ago which is quite a long time for a pair of fins. My brother and I, Maxwell, lived together in our nice plastic shelter. He was so eager to be off this shelf but, I just wanted to be in the water with the variety of animals swimming by. *BOOM*

“Ugh it’s the fins above us again,” I squak.

“Keep your hopes up Nelly, we will be gone in a snap,” Maxwell eagerly says.
I hope he is right. I need some fresh air, those fins above us can laugh away at my cheesy statement but, I don’t care. Awoken from my slumber I hear shouting. Everyone is yelling at the shoppers to come over to our ‘homes’. The lady standing in front of us was quite tall. We were at her belly button when she bent down to reach for one of us. Her gigantic hand reached down towards us and was shaking. I didn’t want to leave the safety of our home. I’m scared to be put out in the wilderness. I can’t control anything out there, what if I get eaten or bit off? The hand shakes our home violently as we are airborne.
I wake up to an uncomfortable feeling on me. Is that what I think it is? Oh boy we made it! The beach! While I can’t breathe too well with all the sand flying inside of me, I adore the change in venue. I knew my life couldn’t get any better. At least that’s what I thought. Our mother brings out some cans of food I’m thinking, well I was completely wrong. I taste something in my mouth that makes me want to gag. YUCK. I’ve never been more miserable in my life. Oh this isn’t so bad anymore. Gliding on me, a smooth feather, tickles me. My eyes start to see black


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