Don't trust a bot. | Teen Ink

Don't trust a bot.

May 14, 2018
By Anonymous

It was a wet Monday morning in Schweinfurt, Germany. Riktophine and the General were speaking on the matter of the soldier. They were deciding if it was ready or not for the fight tomorrow. Riktophine was saying that the bot was not ready for the Germans treacherous bullets and bombs. The General got furious and yelled and told him to get back to work. The next morning Riktophine had finally finished the masterpiece. The whole camp went to the tent to see it awaken. Everyone surrounded Riktophine and the general. Ritophone spoke to the crowd saying, “This is what will win us the war, and help you get home to your family's”. Then he went over to the tent and uncovered it. He reached behind the huge bots head and opened a box and flipped several switches that he only knew how to do. Then it stood up. It towered over even the tallest of the soldiers in the camp. Its pure steel body could annihilate any German skull without even thinking. Its arms had SMGs attached to the side of them. Its legs were as round as my body, and it’s eyes were terrifying to look into knowing that it kill me in seconds.
That afternoon a few of the camps strongest men took it and loaded onto the biggest truck. Then they headed to the outpost, that they were supposed to attach that afternoon. When they got about two miles away they stopped, and unloaded the soon to be killing machine. When they turned him on, his eyes lit up with red luminescent lights. Riktophine then turned on a different switch this time. The bot started to get ready to fight, it locked everything in picked up his arms and started to charge towards the target. Then everyone followed behind it. When we arrived the robot steam rolled through the concrete wall like it was made of plastic.The other men followed, when they got in the and looked around there was about ten bodys laying on the ground, some with no limbs. Then they heard heavy fire to the North. The men pulled out there weapons and followed towards it. When all the sudden the fire stopped. Riktophine called out for his creation. It did not come though. When all the sudden it charged towards one of the men and booted him about 50 yards into the other direction. The men were petrified and confused at the same time. Then a second later the bot ran at the whole group and started to kill. Everyone fled in different directions. Riktophine ran and hid under a piece of rubbish that the bot had knocked over when running through the concrete wall. Riktophine was scared out of his mind. Then he heard it. It was close. Riktophone took a peak and then he saw something horrible the bot was tearing a man's leg off. He thought, “I am the only one who can stop this”. The bot was walking away and he thought this was his only chance so he took it. He crawled out ran towards the bot leaped and grabbed onto it’s neck opened the box and flipped the switch. The bot stopped in its place fell flat on its chest. 

The author's comments:

I love to write fiction storys or made up things that would never happen, because i lways can put my own spin on it.

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