the stoppable force | Teen Ink

the stoppable force

May 14, 2018
By Anonymous

I would say my life was pretty crazy when I was younger. I have a big family especially on my mom’s side. She just has so many cousins’ and it’s ridiculous. I love my family to death but it can get pretty chaotic at some points. My aunt, Stella had a baby named Gabriella like three years ago and they decided to have a first birthday party for her and invited a lot of family members. My aunt, Stella and uncle, Jacek didn’t have the biggest house but they invited a lot of family members and it was crowded.
Now they moved into a bigger house and it’s gorgeous but before they lived in a two story house. There were at least like 50 people in the house. It was great to see how close our family is. Anyways during the party, polish people love to drink. They drink everywhere and anywhere. I have an aunt, Zosia and she loves to drink oh my gosh, she got drunk and almost every wedding, birthday party, christening party, any party you can think of. It’s funny at times but sometimes it's a little bit too much, but we still love her.
She doesn't have the best life that she would have wished for because she lived in Poland like most of my family and they came to America for a better life with just a high school degree like my mom or without a high degree like my Dad. My aunt, Zosia works at Walmart and gets paid $10 an hour. It's crazy to think because I’m a high school student that gets 10.5 an hour and we make about the same pay. It was very difficult for my family to move out to America with barley being able to speak English and starting their lives over in a new world.
They left everything behind in Poland and moved for a better life. Impound of my parents and my family for coming and making a huge change in their lives. My mom once told me that she wanted to move to America “so her kids can have a better life”. Most of my mom’s family lives in America and my dad’s family all lives in Poland except a couple of aunts. I have yet to meet my dad’s family and I will be going this summer and am so excited to see where my parents grew up and how they grew up. I have never been so excited to be able to meet new people.
That’s why I believe that my parents try their hardest for us to have a better life than they do and why they support us to and want to push us to go to college and get good jobs and be able to support our families that we will have in the future. That’s why my parents believe that support is what you need trough life and everything will be alright. You always have to believe in yourself and you will be able to accomplish anything. Always keep your head high.

The author's comments:

its a intersting story.

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