His eyes, his eyes | Teen Ink

His eyes, his eyes

May 16, 2018
By Nathania BRONZE, Palo Alto, California
Nathania BRONZE, Palo Alto, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The dance is a poem of which each movement is a word.
–Mata Hari

His Eyes, his eyes

“I’ve been expecting you.”
My black bangs hide my eyes from his, but I still feel his glare boring holes into the crown of my head. My gaze falls back down to his feet.
“You have?”
“Of course. It’s not everyday when someone steals from me and then comes back to apologize.”
His insistent stare forces me to meet his eyes. One blue, one green. Eyes as deep as the tunnels of time.
“I’m sorry, sir. I know there’s nothing I can do to change it, but can you?”
He grumbled, “I’ve been waiting for this day. I knew that one day you would learn.”
My eyes were still transfixed in his, his eyes, his eyes. They pulled me in but my feet stayed rooted to the ground. I wasn’t giving up just yet.
I looked up with fury, “I want to bring them back.”
He looked at me with his piercing eyes. “You know that’s not possible.”
I lowered my eyes from his. It was no use. I raised them once more, only to find that all I could see were blurry oceans of blue and green.
“You promised!” I shrieked. I choked back tears to try to see his more clearly, but I couldn’t. “You promised!” I felt his scowl soften and a soft yet sturdy hand on my shoulder.
“Let’s get you home.”


I opened the door to an empty house, too cold to call a home. I staggered in and turned to close the already closed door.
“Thanks, for nothing.”
“I know it’s hard.”
I jumped back from the voice. “How did you–” I stammered.
“We’ve been through this, Ben. I’m not material. ”
“I know, I know, it’s just, hard. You know, talking to a phantom isn’t something people just kind of do everyday.”
“That’s because most people can’t see me, you know this, Ben.”
I feel his gaze follow me down the cold and desolate hall. I turn back,
“Well, since you’ve invited yourself in you might as well come stay for a while.”
“If you insist.” the eyes replied. We make our way down the long and winding corridor until we find ourselves facing another door.
“Don’t try it, Ben. You know what will happen.”
“I know. I just want them back. That’s all I want and all I will ever want. I want my family back.”
The stinging tears come back once more as my knees hit the ground. I glance over my shoulder to see the blue and green eyes expressing some pity in my direction.
“Oh, I know.” I snap. I get up imitating a mocking drunkard, “I’m sorry! I’m sorry I lost your family in the grand scheme of time! It was just a simple mistake! I’m sure we can get them back!” I whip around to face him once again. “You promised to bring them back! You’re a liar! A liar!” I could barely look at him. His eyes, his pitying eyes, his lying eyes. I turned away with disgust.
They spoke, “I know I made a promise. But sometimes, sometimes not all promises are possible to fulfil. You know what would happen if we tried to get them back.”
I know exactly what would happen if I tried to get them back. But this time I know. This time, I am sure I won’t fail.
“You’re right. I shouldn’t try again, but sometimes old wounds are still open for a reason.” With that, I wrenched the door open and jumped, and I fell.


I hit the ground with a soft thud and bounced up again. I landed softly on my feet and started to make my way down the tall stack of pillows. With feet on sturdy ground, I checked myself onceover. All in one piece? A good way to start. 


I knew I’d be back. I inhaled a deep breath of air. Here’s to my childhood. Let’s save my family. A door opens to my right and I scuttle to avoid the venturing beam of light now flooding into the room. I squeeze into the corner and wait for the door to close. Alone in this room. Or not, I will–
Voices. One? Two? Two. I chance a peak from my corner to see a man and a woman. They seem familiar. Could they be? I almost step out into the light but I’m stopped by an invisible force.
“I warned you not to do this, Ben.”
I whirl around to see blue and green eyes. “Wha–? How did yo–?”
“I warned you, and you didn’t listen. But if you’re this adamant on trying again, the least I can do is try and help you fail once more.”
“Oh, thanks for the support.” I retort. My next breath expresses a word I dare not say again.


That day, I was tested, mentally and physically. You will never know how difficult it is to emotionally block something out of your mind that only exists in your head. You will also never know how difficult it is not to try and physically hurt something that only exists in your head. Those eyes. His eyes, his eyes! They followed me every move I made, no matter how big or small, they scrutinized me. Every which way I turned they were still there. There was no escape. I was trapped. Trapped deep in the tunnels of time. I’m pulled in, and my feet leave the ground.

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