My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

September 26, 2018
By Anonymous

My name is Mitchell, not Mitch nor Michael. I hate when people call me Mitch, but I act like it doesn't bother me. Mitchell is like the color blue, a very loud color. Blue is a natural born leader. Out there and in your face. I think that describes me well. Mitchell means gift from God. I never understood if that meant something to my parents. They aren't the most religious people you'll meet.

I have never asked why I was named Mitchell in the first place, I just always assumed it was a name my mom and dad liked. I asked my dad. He says that I was supposed to be named Alex originally. I hate that name even more than my own. And if I was a girl I was gonna be named Taylor. But I wasn't a girl so how did they come up with Mitchell?

I then asked my mom. She said her best friend and her sister in law loved the name Mitchell and convinced her to name me Mitchell. I'm assuming then my mom persuaded my dad to name me Mitchell. So I was right. My parents weren't the parents to name me something that has a meaning to them. They named me Mitchell because they liked it, not because it meant something.

Whenever someone calls me Mitch It instantly sends shudders down my spine. I just think of that boring office guy. I feel so uncomfortable. I don't know why, it's really not that bad of a name. I think that name makes me sound too boring, not exciting. Mitch is so similar to Mitchell but yet it has a totally different meaning.

I think alot about what would I be like if my name weren't Mitchell. Would I be a different person? Would my personality be different? I wonder what if my name were something basic like nick or jake, even sam. Does my name make me, me? Or is it just a word that people can refer to me as.

I strongly think that your name makes you who you are today. It's your personality. It changes how people see you. But what if i'm wrong. What if my name were Zach, would I still be the loud and boisterous person I am today? Or would I be a wallflower and live in the shadows and only let people know about me if they get close enough to me? I wish I had the answer but I don't because I will never live a life as a Jake, Nick or Sam.

The author's comments:

This peice was assigned to us to break down our name and find the meaning of our name, what we like about our name and what we dont like. We were also told to mimic the style of “My Name” by Sandra Cisneros, excerpted from The House on Mango Street.

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