The Name Hudson | Teen Ink

The Name Hudson

September 26, 2018
By highschool8 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
highschool8 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The name Hudson probably rings a bell when you think of the Hudson Bay, Hudson River, or the Hudson Hornet. Most of the time if someone has Hudson in their name it’s a last name, definitely not a first name. My parents named me Hudson because it was common at the time for people to have two last names (have a last name as a first name) and they enjoyed the uniqueness of the name as well. It’s a name that lots of people wouldn’t think of or be creative enough to name their son.Hudson initially started off as a nickname for Hugh and Richard, and was also a last name meaning “son of Hudde”. The name Hudson holds a deeper, more mysterious meaning, not your typical generic name. A name that rolls off of the tongue but isn’t smooth or polished, it’s choppy and could be broken down into several different nicknames.

Furthermore, a nickname like Hud or Huddy would be the exact opposite of Hudson. Only good friends and family members call me nicknames, while most people call me Hudson. Huddy would be wild and crazy and the kind of person that would always be active. Hud would be more of a quiet and reserved kid. Hud would be the number 7, because he is lucky and has a darker side to him. Huddy would be the number 5, because he would be liked by some and others wouldn’t care for him, so he would be in the middle. Hudson would be the number 2, because he isn’t quite the best, because he’s more about being a good person. Hud would be a bright neon yellow because he is energetic and upbeat, while Huddy would be green because he is more of a neutral, and balanced person. Hudson would be an aqua blue because he isn’t your average blue or green he is a unique shade in between. The name Hudson would give off a professional and esteemed impression while, Hud and Huddy would represent a goofy and humorous impression.

On the contrary, I’ve sometimes wondered if I had the name Ryan or Matthew, people would think that I was an ordinary person because I had a generic name. However, I always wanted a name that people were more familiar with. A name where people didn’t ask you to repeat it or spell it out for them. A name that some people forget and just decide to call me Hunter, which is a name I despise. Overall, the name Hudson has been with me for over sixteen years of my life and I wouldn’t want any other name, even my nicknames are unique, different, and special to me.

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