My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

September 27, 2018
By EthanMM BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
EthanMM BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The name Ethan means strong, enduring. It is reliable. In a house, Ethan would be the foundation. It is a lake of freshwater. Always there when you need it. A rusty hammer. Not shiny, but still strong. Still gets the job done. It is black and white. It won’t stand out, but won’t clash either. It’s that go-to sweatshirt you grab when the weather gets brisk. The sound the fan makes as you lie in bed, awaiting sleep.

In the Bible, Ethan was wise. In the Revolutionary War Ethan Allen was heroic. In Mission Impossible, Ethan Hunt is courageous. While I’m no prophet, war hero, or world-saving agent, I hope to live up to the name. I wasn’t named after any specific Ethan. My story remains untold. That part is up to me. I must determine what Ethan means to me.

In middle school, I was unique. The only Ethan. Now in highschool, things have changed. There can be up to three Ethans in one room. There are no good nicknames for Ethan. That means I often go by my last name, Mohr. It is this name that makes me truly unique.

Growing up, I dabbled with a lot of hobbies. I was always decent, but I never stood out. Soccer, lacrosse, snowboarding, hunting. Jack of all trades, master of none. I was always just Ethan. Never, “Ethan, the guy who’s really good at this, or that.” Like the name Ethan, I got the job done, but wasn’t flashy. That’s why I feel that the name fits me. There a lot of things I’m good at. There aren’t that many things I’m great at.

    The name Ethan isn’t too common. Yet it’s familiar. Like its meaning, the name is reliable. No one mispronounces it. No one thinks twice about it. But I still feel its unique to me. I own the name. It’s mine. I can always count on my name. And when Ethan fails to set me apart, Mohr comes to the rescue. Therefore, I accept my name. It has never failed me. It has never let me down. A reliable name for a reliable person. I am and always will be, Ethan.

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