Creation of the Crescent | Teen Ink

Creation of the Crescent

December 18, 2018
By jessica-spivey SILVER, Wentzville, Missouri
jessica-spivey SILVER, Wentzville, Missouri
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When God created the earth, all of nature was created with it. The seas sparkled against the light of the sun, the trees stood tall and firm, the animals prospered and gave life to the surrounding areas; life was good. But when the sun fell, and all the light was gone, the sea did not shine, the trees were not seen, and the animals were not active. When the sun fell, the dark of night swallowed the prosperous land, forcing animate things to be still, out of fear and lack of sight.

One night, while the sun slept and the darkness thrived among the land, the sound of a creature unknown to the day echoed through the trees: the owl. His strong but graceful call was heard by all, and the nature listened. The owl, a creature of the night, perched himself gracefully onto a branch of the strongest tree; from here, he could see the stillness of the oceans and the vacancy of the land below. Determined to bring life to the world during both day and night, the owl called to the stars above. He sent them on a quest to find something to bring light to the night, something that was not a star, but could reflect the light from the great sun. The owl awaited for them to return after three nights.

On the third night, the stars returned. With them they brought the owl a planet that had no life, but would serve to assist the life on earth: the moon. “We have brought what we call moon,” the stars said. “It reflects the light of the great sun down onto the earth during the night so that life can continue. It will forever stay with your home, and when the sun goes down the moon will arise and take its place.” At this news, the nature of the earth rejoiced, The oceans formed tides, lapping against the shores in praise. The trees shone in the moonlight, offering a resting place to the newly founded creatures of the night, the new friends of the owl. The world was good, and every night as promised, the moon appeared in the sky, accompanied by the twinkle of the stars.

The author's comments:

I created this myth in creative writing class to explain how we got the moon

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