Due Tommorow | Teen Ink

Due Tommorow

February 8, 2019
By Peter3975 BRONZE, Thousand Oaks, California
Peter3975 BRONZE, Thousand Oaks, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Music blasting in both ears and stress pulling at the seams, it seemed as if the ceiling could come crashing down at any moment. The sound of the keyboard going was ringing in the air with a click-clack-click-clack and the chair rolling back and forth with a grinding and screeching sound. I sat there staring at the computer as my hands seemed to be moving themselves, with the occasional mistake every so often.

With just one more grueling day before the weekend, I was hating every minute of it. Like the smart person I was, I put off writing my essay which miraculously appeared to be due tomorrow. Now with the self-hatred of myself boiling up, I decided to unleash it upon the paper with the full intent of winning this bout.

I stopped typing and inched my head up to see what I had written. There it was, a beautiful masterpiece, my name, date, and a period. I threw my head back with a shrug and started strumming the fake guitar in my hands, rocking out to the punk rock tearing my eardrums to pieces.

“Hey, stop messing around and get back to work. You were supposed to finish all your homework the day that it is assigned, not today!” said my mom, barging into my room in order to make sure I wasn’t fooling around.

I wanted to yell at her to mind her own business and go back to where she came from, but instead, I droned monotonously “I had a lot to do yesterday, but I’m working on finishing my essay right now. Besides, I don’t have much left to do anyway….”

“Ok, make sure you get to bed at a reasonable hour and remember that your grades are important to being successful. Remember this the next time you think it’s a good idea to procrastinate, you should know that the best amongst your peers are going above and beyond.”

“Like okay, I get it, you don’t have to bore me with dumb nonsense I had already heard a thousand times.” I thought, while her constant blabbering seemed to dive into my right ear and swim out my left.

I acted as if I seemed regretful of my actions, and started typing gfjkfhjkhjshjkfhakkjkjsk on my keyboard, hoping that she would leave me alone. I decided I needed to watch some Netflix, in order to get inspiration on something on what to write, or least that’s what I told myself. Upon finishing my binge, I decided to go through social media looking for anything mildly funny or entertaining. By the time I knew it, the clock had a strange looking number on it that looked like a ten.

I thought there was no way that it was already ten o’clock, and I still had not written a single thing on my paper. I knew this was going to be a long night, but at least I had my tried and trusted friend to stay with me, Mr. Pringle looked at me with the calming gaze that relieved some of the pressure of the mind-boggling task I had ahead of me.

I decided to tell myself that all you had to do was get started, and then the rest will come. I think I had heard this somewhere in my English class, but I had no idea if it was true or not. So I wrote… and wrote a little more, it seemed like a bunch of garbage to me, but hey, it was some quality steaming hot garbage. I peered once more up at my monitor and saw that I actually had a whole paragraph written, just four more to go, like damn, props to me.

I picked up my phone, but with all my will power and mental strength, I tossed it onto the bed. I yearned to just go on it for a couple minutes, I could sense my addiction creeping up out of the corner of my bedroom. But I pushed through with the sheer determination of sleep and a warm bed in mind.

Now by no means am I a good writer, but I considered myself an expert at putting jumbles of words on a paper that somehow made the teacher think I knew what I was doing. And thus knowing that I could not get distracted, I started typing some more on the sickening blank document right in front of me.

So I got back to work but had no idea on where to start. The grueling eleven o’clock mark hit me like a sword piercing the center of my chest. I had only started my second paragraph, and I felt like I was going to die of boredom. Thoughts started to flood my brain, but the only constant sound was the stream of taps from my fingers hitting the keyboard.

Then after finishing my second paragraph, I needed a break so badly, and so I decided to take a shower. In the shower, the tense uptight stiffness in my back seemed to lesson, and my mind seemed more clear and attentive to what was going on.

Upon returning from the inquisitive shower, I decided to get straight to work, not wasting any more time than I should be. And after what seemed like an eternity, I had written my fourth paragraph, I looked at the clock and it was past midnight. I had a swirling headache, and I decided to rest my eyes for just a couple moments….

BEEP, BEEEEP, BEEEEEEP!!!! The alarm went off with a blaring tone-deaf sound in the air, and I jerked my head up and accidentally hit my leg on my table. It was 1:30 in the morning, and I was looking at my phone in disbelief. My head was spinning from what seemed like a mind-splitting headache. I wanted to go back to sleep, but my phone said to get up and finish your paper. I knew that I shouldn’t have allowed myself to get some shut-eye.

So I crawled to my computer and waiting for it to turn on, I wanted so badly to go back to sleep. And the process seemed to begin again, but this time I had come to a complete writer's block. I could feel my eyes and head bobbing in and out darkness.

Upon realizing that I did not have much left, I started to write as fast as a cheetah chasing its prey. All I wanted to do was finish, and I did not care if my paper was good or bad, just finished. Thus, inching my head up and peering into the blinding light, I saw what look like a group of words sewn together to be something readable. I felt as if my entire life had led me to this one moment of completion, desperation, and realization.

Thus being done with my essay, all I had to do was print it. Of course, since technology hates me, my ten-year-old printer decides now it’s a good time to crap out on me. So, I am hoping that it’s not a deal, and I will just print it at school.

When I got to school the next day, I was dead tired and yearning to go home. I had gotten their early just to print my essay, but when I got there, it was closed. So with panic mounting, I went to one of my teachers, hoping they could print it. None of my teachers’ printers were working, so I was basically doomed. I had given up on turning this essay in on time, and I just wanted to go home.

I walked into class expecting everyone else to have their paper out, ready to pass up to the front of the class. I went straight to my desk in the back and started to try and take a nap. I heard people nudging me to get up, but I just didn’t care. Although, I peered up at the board and it said “All ESSAYS DUE NEXT CLASS.”

The author's comments:

I am a Freshman in Highschool who was just wondering what it is like to publish.

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