My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

February 28, 2019
By 9kres BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
9kres BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My name. It is foreign to some and familiar to others like the number π. It blossoms with intrigue and peeks curiosity—or is it suspicion? Foreign name. Foreigner?

Nikolai, not quite. But familiar. The ‘a’ at the end: less severe, inviting of conversation. Approachable. It flows off your tongue in the way of a soothing song or a calming stream of water.

I do not bear the name of a family member, but a traditional name. In Serbia it is popular due to a saint and a scientist, both of whom were Nikola. A saint known as a wonderworker, and an inventor who pioneered electricity. These men created wonders which imbues my name with a certain inherent expectation for greatness.

For someone who has no ties to Serbia or its neighboring countries, my name is outlandish. It often trudges its way from their lips as the syllables try to glide into their familiar melody.

Many call me by other names, as Nikola proves too demanding for them. The most common is not exceedingly different in its spelling yet it carries an altered connotation. Nick. Ordinary and over-used. Stripping the unique meanings from Nikola. This, however, does not bother me. The ordinary sound of Nick is much kinder to my ears than that of repeatedly mangled attempts at Nikola.

My parents almost named me differently. Luka. This means onion in serbian, so I feel that the choice of Nikola was the right decision. I used to dislike my name and the way people mispronounced it and asked about it. Over time, the questions became opportunities to explore the individuality that my name offers.

The roots of my name translate to victory-people or triumph. Triumph bears a simple definition yet its meaning fosters infinite interpretation. Gaining victory could mean helping those in need or revolutionizing electricity, but it could also be something as mundane as passing your math class. I see it as accomplishing something while sticking to your morals.

In this way, I have triumphed. Understanding the significance of my name motivates me to live up to it. No other name fits me. Nikola is a name with history. I hope to add to that story.

The author's comments:

This essay is about the meaning of my name and was done for a writing class in school.

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