A Island Story | Teen Ink

A Island Story

March 1, 2019
By Anonymous

Once upon a time there was a land called draw land, where anything you draw becomes existent, as long as you color at least something on the paper. So one day these people were searching to find an island that there country has not discovered and so they looked and then they found draw island. They were looking around and they saw that people were drawing stuff and then their drawing comes alive! So they decide to buy a pencil and paper and they decided to draw food. Then they color the food they just drew and it turned into real foods! So they started writing all about it in their phones, but then the chief of the island asked them what they were doing and no one can know about the island and also how they could not ever escape the island.

They beg the chief to let them go, but the chief said no and threw their phones into the water. They were ok with it for a while until they realized that their country and maybe even the world HAS to know about the island and they need to find  way to tell them somehow.So they had an idea of drawing computers,but that didn't work. So then they drew Tablets but that didn't work either. So they decided to draw WHITE BOARDS Jk new phones and they hid them so the chief didn't see or find those phones and break them. They then drew a ship but did not color it yet so the people there don't break the boat.

Later they soon found out that 2 other foreign countries found the place but they also  did not have any technology because of the chief. They went to find the other peoples from the different countries . SO they went to go on a non-inspiring adventure to go across town to find the other non-drawed or people that draw people people. They sang the wizard of oz song while looking to find the people for some weird and odd reason when they WERENT GONNA SEE the WIZARD OF OZ. They finally found the people and told them their plan and they happily agreed to join them even though they somehow understand each other when they dont speak or know each other's language.

The island people overheard and then they told the chief so the other countries were chased at the end of the island so they colored the boat and the boat appeared and they quickly got on the boat and swimmed the boat (somehow) to one of their countries. The people of the country ask about the other countries and he explained about what happened and such and such and stuff like that. They were surprised to hear it and they decided to go to the other countries and explain and all the countries decided to plan war to the island even though that the island can literally draw 10000000000000000000000000 machine guns ( is that even a number?) and kill all of them but they planed anyway. That was when they realized that they had paper and pencils from the 1000 island- i mean draw island and they can use the paper such and such against their pretty much impossible to defeat island. So they all went on the boat somehow and flied to the island (YET AGAIN SOMEHOW) , then landed on the land. They started a really unnecessary war that costs lots of money and tools and then they fought. They fought day and night night and day, and then they had a lunch break. BUT THEN THEY FOUGHT AGAIN! :O. They then stopped fighting and then flew to the moon. To be continued....


The End

The author's comments:

This story is about a Country that dicovery a island that drawings come to life!

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