A Good Book | Teen Ink

A Good Book

May 29, 2019
By Anonymous

“A good book is the best thing there is,” The bookstore clerk says and nods at the girl sitting on the bench in the corner of the store.

The young girl closes her book and looks down at the pages; she had read the book in one evening. Three hours, 301 pages. She had never been more intent on reading more and more. She knew the book, the most real thing she had ever consumed, would be forever painted in the back of her mind. It was almost as if she had been placed in the body of another witnessing their story, for that book had forever changed her perception of books. Her past favorites fading to the small cracks in her memory. She would tiptoe out of her home escaping her family and re-read those 301 pages for the next week, month, maybe even year. Studying the pages, unearthing new meanings. Each time escaping into a new vast world of possibilities and each read unlike the last. After weeks, months, maybe even years the good book was imprinted in the back of her mind.

But one day as she was sneaking into her favorite bookstore to read her favorite book in her favorite corner, she saw a new story in the clerk's hand. Shiny silver letters reflected off the spine, the light bouncing back at her leaving a glimpse of the sun across her face. The bookstore clerk walked up to her and handed her the book with a nod. For the first time in weeks, months, maybe even years, she sat down with a new book and in two short hours read all 201 perfect pages.

The author's comments:

In my short story, A Good Book a young woman discovers her passion for one simple book in the bookstore that becomes her escape from the outside world. The girl becomes all consumed by the book, seemingly blocking out other options, but, one day that changes. This piece is based on the found sentence, “A good book is the best thing there is’, and that’s really true, it is so, a good book is the best friend there is.”I have always loved to read and when I was younger would stay up for hours late into the night finishing entire books in just an hour or two. Although I don't have the same passion I did as a young child, I still find myself engulfed in a book where I keep turning one page after another, and I believe my piece captures that.

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