And We Have Lift Off | Teen Ink

And We Have Lift Off

September 27, 2019
By Jar_of_Jelly BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Jar_of_Jelly BRONZE, Sacramento, California
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
just gotta do what you do but do what you like

    Look to the sky what do you see, I see possibilities endless ones. Dreams have always been a fundamental part of being young and as we get older we decide on doing with with the rest of ours lives. I know what I am going to be and thats a Aerospace mechanic that's why I know the sky is not  the limit.

   Aerospace is a career path that leads most people to nasa and where they build rockets. I want to become a Aerospace mechanic mainly because I believe the earth is not the limit for possibilities. I really believe in the saying “ The skies not the limit” and i know how to achieve my goal, here's my plan. I want to go to Delaware State University because of the Aerospace programs it has i want 2 to 3 years in there program then work on getting degrees. How im goning to get there is i know i should be driving by 18 years old and I want to go to college part time while attending Delaware. I'm not worried about paying for college because of the foster program I'm in all i really need to worry about is finishing highschool and passing with B’s and above.

  When I was younger I always wanted to work on cars as a mechanic, I learned what I needed to. I knew the steps on how to become a mechanic my mindset was fixed it wasn’t until freshman year till i opened my mind to other types of mechanics. It was in my math class where we had a former air force mechanic as a sub one day. I talked to him about how I wanted to become a Mechanic and he asked me one question “Do you know about aerospace mechanics?” at the time I thought there was only one type of mechanic. Once I learned more and more about aerospace I knew in my mind that's what I wanted to.

  I know my goal, I know how I’m going to get there. I’ve got an opportunity to change my life when I don’t see this as a dream I see this my goal and I know I’m going to succeed. I’m at point A right now and in due time, point B will be right there in front of me. In the words of the Jedi master Yoda “Do or do not, there is no try’’ and I don’t believe in do not.

The author's comments:

Is my goal in life and i am determind to do it 


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