Five Cold Bricks | Teen Ink

Five Cold Bricks

January 14, 2020
By juliabeth17 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
juliabeth17 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones whom I see everyday. I am the only one who truly notices them. Five cold bricks with miniscule imperfections and blank expressions. Five who were meticulously placed here so long ago. Five uniform pieces snuggling together. From my apartment, admiring their beauty, I observe hundreds of people passing by.

Their bravery is unexplored. They support people. They’re the scaffolding, the frame, and they drive themselves earthward into pavement in order to be steady, balanced, and zen. This is how they share. 

Blanked out from the ordinary citizen’s mind, they do their job, they work together, they hug each other. Share, share, share they scream into the air. They remind. 

When I am too lost and too baffled to keep sharing, when I am a blank expression put in front of passerby, the bricks remind me. When there is nothing left but those five cold bricks. Five who stand tough. Five who remind me who I am. Five who subtly share their message to the world.

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