Debra | Teen Ink


March 16, 2021
By 101percent BRONZE, Hamilton, Montana
101percent BRONZE, Hamilton, Montana
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Whamm, Debra comes crashing down. 

Debra woke up hearing her mother screaming You are A demon child Francois the 5th Jacobson Henry James. That was my younger brother. He and I have never gotten along. How did I end up here well Francois 5th Jacobson Henry James ran over me with a f 150 truck. I guess I was taken to this crappy hospital 10 minutes away and I now have no face and half of one leg. The doctor entered the room wearing his fancy white coat and blue scrubs. He reported to me that I would have a miserable life and would probably die here soon in the future. My mom looked at the doctor with an angry look but she said, well I never wanted a daughter to begin with so that takes care of things. I spent the rest of the day hanging in my hospital bed and eating the disgusting food. My mom left and told me she was leaving forever and doesn’t care if I die. The doctor thought that it was a very good decision leaving me to die. The nurses said they had no more pain killers and they weren’t going to give it to me anyway, so I was going to suffer. I had unbearable pain throughout the day and night.

Debra woke up to the sun shining through the old hospital window. The doctor entered the room like he normally does all happy and cheerful. He said he thought the best thing to do for Debra  was to kill her now and worry later. He said that I would have my “procedure” tomorrow morning. Debra shouted at him you can’t make me. Even though Debra’s  mother has always hated Debra  she said that Debra was always a very strong willed child and even now as Debra is 10. He said this was the best way for me to go and that I had deserved it.  Debra knew she didn’t  want to die even though I had nothing to live for.  Debra Had to escape. Debra had to make a plan. This was the day to survive. Debra planned to steal the  nurse's key card and Debra  already had a wheelchair in her room so she could move around . Debra  would use the key card to exit out of the back door and go to the hotel three blocks away. Debra just needed to get that key card from the nurse. Hours had passed by and Debra still hadn’t got the key card. She had to get it, it was her only chance. When the nurse came in Debra made her listen to her heart and grab her key card ever so slightly. She had done it, she was going to live. She just had to wait until 8 pm when the hospital closed up.  The clock finally struck 8 and all the staff members were leaving the hospital. Debra made sure everyone was gone. Debra’s plan is  finally coming into action. She carefully got into her wheelchair and rolled down the halls of the hospitals. She swiped the keycard on the sensor that she had stolen from the nurse earlier that day. Debra strolled along the back road. As she walked along she thought of her family and how much she missed them. Debra slowly pushed on in her broken down wheelchair. Debra had almost made it to the hotel she was probably maybe a block away and she suddenly saw a face looking structure to her left. It was a life size barbie doll head. Debra grabbed the head and positioned it ever so slightly on her neck so that it would stay on. She finally arrived at the hotel and wheeled herself closer to the front door. As soon as she came inside head turned, coffee dropped, and the kids screamed. The manager kicked Debra out and told her to never come back ever again. Debra strolled on the back road onto a farm. Debra snuck in from the back gate and headed to the chicken coop. Debra’s stomach was growling with hunger. She scooped up some eggs from the coop and settled down on a bench nearby. All of a sudden a horse was standing at the fence. Debra thought to herself it is a beautiful day to take a ride, and there was a beach nearby. Debra had to come up with a plan to get onto the horse. That ‘s just when Debra spotted a medium sized hill in the horse pasture. Debra grabbed one of the eggs and led the horse to lay down by the hill. Debra made a great leap on her half leg and jumped onto the horse. Debra let the horse down to the beach and they laid together on the beach. People scattered from the beach instantly. Debra spent the rest of the day eating her eggs and petting the horse. Debra decided that she would call the horse Fred. Fred wasn’t a big horse but next to Debra he was a giant. He was pure black with a blue bridle and lead. As the day flew by Debra fell asleep. Debra woke up with the sonshinning and Fred by her side. Debra was now reaching starvation and needed something to eat, so she beat Fred to death and then stabbed him with a stick. Days went on and Debra ate Fred’s leg. Then one day she had seen hot air balloons. She wanted to fly away. One look at Debra and the balloon manager fled. So Debra decided she had to leave Fred. Debra brushed the sand from her blouse, took a last, wistful look at the now putrefying horse, and stepped into the hot-air-balloon.

The author's comments:

 Debra's mom is a little weird. Get ready for a fun filled story

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