A letter to your younger self | Teen Ink

A letter to your younger self

April 30, 2021
By Anonymous

Dear 12 year old Addy,

Little do you know that this year of your  life is going to be the last year of normal for a while.

This is going to be the last year where you  don’t have to be scared to see your own family, where you can go to school as a normal person and don’t  have to wear a masks and social distance.

Last year without nose swabs, needles and positive tests haunting you while you wait for results.

So enjoy the “normalcy” you have right now. Go hangout with your friends and family, go on vacation, go to the mall, go get lunch with your grandma and give your best friend a hug.Go and do everything while your freedom  lasts. 

The last day of eighth grade you will have is on  Friday, March 13th 2020. (Funny right!)

That weekend you will be hanging out with your best friend and get news that you don’t have school on Monday.

Well, thats cool! An extra day off!

Then it trunks into a week…… Then a  month…..     End of school and still you are in quarantine.

Then a long summer with restrictions on everything… Then there is hope that  when september comes around, we will have school!....

Nevermind.               More virtual school         More staring at the wall wondering what to do        Prolonged months pass.

You never knew there could be so much excitement when we get the news  that we will be returning to school

Even though you have a third of the school in each day and have to be six feet apart and wear a mask, you take it because it's the most normal you’ve had in 9 months.

You are now 14 and you have experienced an appalling pandemic and life will never be the same.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece in English class and took the opportunity to include the pandemic in my writing.

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