The Princess Bride Character Interview | Teen Ink

The Princess Bride Character Interview

May 17, 2021
By WBuffington BRONZE, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
WBuffington BRONZE, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Interview of Inigo

Question 1: What did you think about the sword fighting scene between you and Westley and what did the movie get wrong?

Inigo: The fight scene was very good. The only problem is it was too short of a fight because I was not beaten that easily. 

Question 2: What did having your father's spirit guiding you feel like?

Inigo: It felt like someone had grabbed onto the sword by the tip and aimed it where I needed to go.

Question 3: How do you feel about how your character was portrayed in the film?

Inigo: I think I was portrayed perfectly. I could not even tell the difference between me and the actor. I find it amazing how I can not tell between me and the man in the moving picture. 

Question 4: What did you think about the landscapes and the sets of the movie.

Inigo: Most of the landscapes and places were incorrect but I still thought it was amazing how they portrayed it, it looked so realistic.

Question 5: how long was the actual journey in comparison to the length of the movie?

Inigo: the journey was actually several months maybe even a year long. I thought them cutting out all the dull or boring times made the movie more entertaining to watch for me and the other people. 

Question 6: What was the biggest difference between what actually happened and what happened in the movie

Inigo: When buttercup jumped from the boat she had sharks circling around her but in the movie something much more scary happened, the shrieking eels made terrible noises and were much more aggressive and scary.

Question 7: Do you believe that miracle max actually has magical powers?

Inigo: I never really believed in magic or otherworldly things until my father grabbed my sword and guided it so yes I do believe miracle max is magic.

Question 8: Was finding the man in black in the state he was in disheartening in any way?

Inigo: seeing the person I looked up to in such bad shape did make me feel like the enemy was more dangerous than they seemed and it made me feel less confident in the fight against the six-fingered man.

Question 9: How did you feel when the man in black hinted at you becoming the dread pirate Roberts.

Inigo: I didn't really care at first but started considering the offer after I killed the six-fingered man.

Question 10: What did you feel after being stabbed by the six-fingered man and did you still think you were going to win?

Inigo: I thought it was the end of the line for me after being stabbed but when he started taunting me it gave me the extra strength I needed to win.

The author's comments:

This article is an interview of the character Inigo from the princess bride.

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