The Great Inigo Montonya's Interview | Teen Ink

The Great Inigo Montonya's Interview

May 17, 2021
By fbeeker BRONZE, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
fbeeker BRONZE, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Interview with Inigo Montoya Cast From The Famous Princess Bride

Your Host: Max

Your Guest: Inigo


1)  Question: At the beginning of the book, Buttercup is extremely rude towards Wesley and Wesley always answers with ”as you wish”; how do you think this shows Wesley's character?

Inigo’s Answer: “Well this really shows us how much Wesley truly loves Buttercup. She is so mean to him and he always answers with “as you wish” which is code for I love you. It was extremely interesting watching them film the part when Buttercup finally is told what as you wish truly meant.


2)  Question: Why do you think the dread pirate Roberts would keep saying I will kill you in the morning goodnight Wesley.

Inigo’s Answer: The dread pirate Roberts has had a reputation for allowing absolutely No survivors when he raids a ship. But this really shows us how Westly's is always going to overcome the adversity because dread pirate Roberts asks him why he shouldn’t die and Westly tells him he is trying to have true love and his character made the dread pirate Roberts allow him to survive the night and then he came around to Wesley and would keep allowing him to stay alive.


3)   Question:  What did you think about the ROUS?

      Inigo’s Answer: The ROUS is very disgusting in my opinion I truly don’t understand how Wesley defeated them and when he defeated that rat I think the audience really saw his true love for Buttercup he was willing to risk his life and get eaten by a huge rat to be with Buttercup.


4)  Question: Why does the count want to make people feel pain?


Inigo’s Answer: My thoughts on the count are different than most because the count killed my characters father how would that make you feel if some man comes in and kills your father then rides off and you decide to devote your whole life to finding him and getting your revenge in place of the pain that you have felt because of this man. He makes people feel pain including me because the count is missing something he may have felt the pain growing up and might not have been loved so he is using that empty place in his heart to make people feel his pain which isn't right at all.

5)  Question: What did you think about Westly not killing prince Humperdink Do you think he should have been killed?

Inigo’s Answer: I think Wesley demonstrates to the audience how much of a bigger man he is by letting Humperdinck go after Humperdink killed Westly stole his true love and tortured him after all of the horrible events that prince Humperdink cause Wesley he decides to let him go which really shows how much of a bigger man he is it also shows us how the fairy tale ending might not always occur.

6) Why did you think Feeziik is so soft when he is so big.


Inigo’s Answer: Feezzik in the film was my best friend. I think that he is so soft because he was taught at a young age how to hurt people he was taught how to push aside his feelings and hurt people that's all he was taught at a young and all he wanted to do was to be a normal kid and his feelings are soft inside like most of us but he is such a big person. 

7) Question: Do you think Inigo is going to finally feel like he is pleased he's dad after he killed the count.

Inigo’s Answer: I think that my character is going to finally feel like he succeeded in life by killing the menace that killed his father and leads him to devote his life to finding him. At the end of the day I am not truly satisfied with killing the count I think the count caused a lot of pain and I feel that I tried 

8)  What did you think about Buttercups' series of nightmares?

Inigo’s Answer: Buttercup's series of nightmares in my opinion happened because I felt that she was starting to warm up to Prince Humperdinck. I think that she starts to realize that a Humperdink might not be the worst thing. Then her nightmares happen and it's her brain's way of telling her that Wesley is her true love and that she should always love him and once the nightmares end to end she realizes that prince Humperdink isn’t her true love and Wesley is her true love.

9)  Do you think Buttercup could have survived the fire swamp without Westley?

Inigo’s answer: Absolutely not, She would have died the second she stepped foot into the fire swamp. She was the one who fell into the quicksand that Wesley had to pull her out of. She also would have been devoured by the rous if Wesley and his sword didn’t kill it.

10) What did you think about Buttercup surrendering Westly?

Inigo’s Answer: Buttercup was definitely trying to help Westly; she also thought that he would be returned to his ship but that was a lie, Prince Humperdinck totally lied; he captured Westley and tortured him. Now was it her right to give him up I don’t think so because he is a big boy he can make his own decisions.

   Thank you for everything I truly appreciate you reading our interview.

The author's comments:

This piece is for an English Project Based on the Princess Bride.

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