A Modern Proposal for the Invasion of Mexico | Teen Ink

A Modern Proposal for the Invasion of Mexico

June 3, 2021
By griffinb81 BRONZE, Pearland, Texas
griffinb81 BRONZE, Pearland, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

(for preventing the problems caused by open borders, ending exploitation and crimes, strengthening the border to ensure legal immigration, and strengthening America’s role as protector of democracy) 

A child witnesses the murder of his father. His mother has been kidnapped and trafficked. Gunshots are fired in the distance as this child is impressed into the notorious drug cartel that dominates the area. Dead bodies litter the area and as time passes, the once innocent child turns into the leader of the violent gang, helping transport millions of tons of cocaine past the border. Disease and crimes are rampant as poverty and unemployment are on the rise. 
America should take control of Mexico because it will prevent crime and expand American power. Allowing the United States to take over Mexico will allow drug gangs to be put to work in camps, increasing economic output and making up for the immense havoc they have wreaked. Drug and sex trafficking can be lowered to almost non-existent numbers as more military is placed on the border. The governance of America over the Mexican peoples will ensure the spread of democratic ideals and prevent tyranny, as well as guarantee the rights afforded by the Constitution. Societal equilibrium will be restored as illegal immigration becomes legal immigration when the Mexican states are annexed into the country. 

Firstly, the weak government of Mexico can be easily overthrown or coerced into surrender by American military might.  

Secondly, invasion of Mexico will curb the amount of illegal immigration that occurs as immigrants will not differentiate between benefits offered in the Mexican land or the mainland of the fifty states, as both will be one. 

Thirdly, the addition of Mexico will strengthen the labor force and transform the economy, fostering the distribution of wealth and needed resources to the unemployed.  

Fourthly, notorious gangs can be impressed into labor camps, acquiring the skills of discipline and various trades. Eventually, they will turn out to be beneficial members of society. 

Fifthly, substance abuse and trafficking can be brought down as more of the military is sent to help govern the Mexican states. 

Sixthly, the annexation of Mexico will send forth a warning to the rest of the world, especially enemies of democracy, such as North Korea. 

Despite these benefits, pro-open border advocates may protest that invading Mexico is unconstitutional and costly. They believe that this might be a problem because it will weaken the country. They think this because controlling another country uses up resources that can be instead used at home. However, they overlook that fact that America will gain more money and resources in the long run. They may also argue that families may be separated due to stricter border patrolling. They believe this because of past deportations of illegal immigrants. Although this may be a problem at first glance, they miss that annexing Mexico will be more helpful because it will mean that once-separated families can be re-united. Overall, invading Mexico and owning it will solve issues such as deportations and crimes, leading to a more prosperous and untroubled society. 

Mexico must become the next state of the republic. In doing so, many benefits can be reaped. There will be lower crimes, reunited families, stronger border security, economic yield, and increased military might. No other solution is viable; the problem of open borders has been lingering too long and has taken the lives of many through murder and exploitation. Annexing Mexico is a requirement to combat exploitation and establish American supremacy. 

The author's comments:

This piece was meant to mimic Jonathan Swift's satirical piece called "A Modest Proposal". It is meant to be satirical and supposed to point out a modern problem, as well as point out a unrealistic, imaginitive solution.

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