A Day in the Life of Death | Teen Ink

A Day in the Life of Death

June 16, 2021
By WorldBuilderPaelias BRONZE, Mesa, Arizona
WorldBuilderPaelias BRONZE, Mesa, Arizona
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Death liked his job. It was fulfilling to comfort those who had died, and he enjoyed listening to their life stories. Sometimes they were short but sweet, sometimes they were filled with sorrow, but each had a life, and all were interesting to him. The only hard part about his work was when people were sad that they died. Dying wasn't a sad thing, it's about as sad as graduating second grade. Some of the humans thought that after they died, they would no longer exist. What a silly idea. The person that he was escorting today was a pretty regular one, they showed up in the void as they usually do, and he introduced himself. "Hello," he said. His blank skeletal stare boring into her soul. Death was a tall skeleton in a dark robe, but unlike popular belief, he has no scythe. Death was a very kind soul, even if it was hard to tell from appearance. 
"Erm, hi?" she replied nervously. She was a younger spirit, yet she had an experienced aura, as if she saw things that should not be. 
"It appears that you have died," he said matter-of-factly. No point in taking more words than necessary. 
"Wait, what?" she said  
"That's why you're here" 
"Oh," she said as her tone dropped dramatically. "Where exactly is here?" 
"The void." he said "But you won't be here for long." 
"How did I die?" she asked. 
"Car crash I think. Drinking while driving." 
"Oh." she thought for a moment, starting to tear up. "So I'm actually dead, this isn't a dream or anything." 
"Nope. No dream. You're dead." He said, sighing. She started to cry then. 
"I... I had so... much... life ahead of me... I don't want to be dead... my mother... my brother... they'll never see me again..." She tried to say through her tears. 
"It's ok, you're ok, no need to cry," he said in his most comforting voice, which wasn't that comforting, but it was an effort. "They'll die eventually too, and what a reunion that will be." 
"How... how would that make me feel better?" she said confused, tears still in her eyes and voice. 
"Well, erm." he stuttered. "I thought that it would." 
"Oh screw this, I've got to get back." 
"Back where?"  
"Back to life." 
"Not yet." 
"Why not?" 
"Because you're graduating." He stated. 
"Graduate, move up, advance." 
"To... what?" 
"That's what we're trying to find out." 
"Who's we?" 
"You'll find out soon, but let's get on with reviewing your life." 
We walked a little bit through the emptiness, towards a light in the distance. She was crying less now, but you could tell she was trying to hold it in. When they were close enough to the light to see that it was actually a door. Before they walked through, Death asked, "Are you ready?" she nodded. Death opened the door, and they walked through. There was a long hallway, the very beginning was white, but as the hallway continued it got greyer and greyer. There were windows on the walls, and Death walked up to the first window. It had a baby in her mother's arms, and the doctors were checking for breathing and applauding the mother. There was no obvious father in the room. "This is your birth," he said. "a pretty normal one at that, except your father wasn't there. Do you know why?" 
"Because he abandoned us." She said with venom. 
"From your perspective, yes. What really happened is he died in his car on the way." Death explained calmly. 
"What?" she was flabbergasted. 
"Yes, it was not your father's fault that he wasn't there." Death thought for a moment. "He was a very interesting soul, very eccentric, but very smart."  
"Well, that changes everything!" She exclaimed. "When can I see him?" 
"When we're done." Death said patiently. They walked over to the next window. In this window, a toddler was getting out of a car and walked towards the school tripping over her own feet. Then suddenly the sun sped around the sky many times, and people moved incredibly quickly. When it ended, the toddler, now a teenager, walked out with strange clothing and tattoos. "What happened here?" asked Death. 
"I think at this point I was trying to be a cool kid, I was trying to fit in. Now I look back on it and it was just dumb." They walked over to the next window. Here she was at a party, looking pretty tipsy. She got in a car, tried to drive home, but crashed into another car.  
"He died too." Death said solemnly. 
"Who?" She asked confused 
"The person you crashed into." 
"Oh," she said. "I feel so horrible. How do I fix this?" At this point, she realized that her whole life had been a little bit of a waste. Tears streaked down her spiritual face. "I... can I go back?" 
Death sighed. "Are you sure you want to?" 
Through tears, she thought. "Do I have any other options?" 
"Certainly," said Death. "Would you like to hear them?" Crying, she nodded. 
"Well, we can keep on looking at your life, seeing what you could have done better, and what you did well."  
She shook her head, "No, I don't think I can do that anymore." Her whole body was shaking at this point. 
"Alright, well you can go back to earth, but it won't teach you anything new. That life was chosen for you because it would teach you best. Or, you can move on to the spirit world, waiting until it's all finished." 
"Wait, my life was chosen? What's finished?" Her sobs were slower now, but still there. 
"Your life was chosen to teach you all the lessons that you would need." Death paused. "Your life was short because you were already close to being perfect. Your life may have seemed pointless, but there is a reason. You, as a human, were made to advance. You learned when you were a spirit child about agency and basic right and wrong. You were born to earth, to teach you empathy, and other lessons. Now that you're dead, you can become perfect. You can progress, improve, etc." She had stopped crying by now. 
"Wait, what's a spirit child?"

"Well, there's an afterlife and a preexistence. Your spirit existed in a childish state in the preexistence."

"Oh ok. About the other thing, you still didn't answer who we are."

"All of us supernatural beings, me, Life, The Father, The Son, The Comforter, The Manager, etc."

"Ah. So, humans exist, because we were made to become perfect?" 
"Exactly," Death said, relieved that she finally understood. "When you become perfect, you become a god, and as such, you can create whatever you please. That is our work. To bring about the perfection of man. That is why you will be waiting until it's all finished in the spirit world, waiting, for perfection." 

They walked together, towards the end of the hallway, towards the new life that was to come. A man's silhouette was standing in the doorway, arms wide. She said her farewells to Death, and embraced the man. Death walked back to the void. "Another journey complete" Death whispered to himself, a smile on his hard, bony face. 

The author's comments:

This is my favorite story that I've written so far, and I hope you enjoy it as well.

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