Survival Without Electronics | Teen Ink

Survival Without Electronics

October 6, 2021
By kb00376885 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
kb00376885 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

          This is a world where electricity and electronic devices had become extinct. People were dying after finding out there will no longer be any electricity available. Booky, a guy who owns the largest library in town, is extremely intelligent. He has the most knowledge and brilliant ideas among anybody else. Stix, Kandy, and Cole are Booky’s friends. They always stick together to help each other that are in need.

          The development of this conflict was due to an evil government. He was always dressed in his black suit, sitting on a brown leathered chair in his office, and planning out unusual laws. A cruel government, Jackson, was desperate and wanted everybody to give their attention to him. Therefore, he banned every single electronic device as possible. Jackson believed that the world should revolve around him, so he forced people to destroy their devices and cut off all electricity by threatening the lives of the people’s family. The devices were lying dead on the floor without anybody’s help. During this time, Booky decided to solve this problem with his group of friends. They met up and figured out a new way to persuade the government to stop his action. One day, they came to the government’s office and threatened his life instead. However, Jackson was too selfish and stubborn. Jackson wasn’t worried about his life because he knew he had powerful guards outside of his office. He did not know what it was like being regulated over the use of electronics. He banned Booky and his friends from bringing up their opinions and visiting the government’s office ever again.

          Booky and his friends then decided to convinced people to practice their new daily life by suggesting them to visit his library weekly. He gave people free library cards to access his library. Booky teaches both adults and children of how to survive without electronics. Stix demonstrates people how to rub sticks together to create a natural campfire, Kandy sells candles, and Cole sells coals. Since there will be the lack of electricity, these natural resources are always available for anybody in town that needs it.  Booky provided educational games and activities for everybody in town. People began to realize and accept the world they live in by participating in the events that were planned out by Booky. They were slowly getting used to living without the need of any electronics. Their daily entertainments are reading comic books, playing board or card games, hanging out in the park, and drawing to occupy their time. Others were able to go out for family dinner, gatherings, and celebrate holidays as usual. Majority of the people noticed that they finally enjoy spending time with their family, friends, and their loved ones. Without the use of technologies, these people now live in a normal, peaceful, joyful society.

            On the other hand, Jackson refused to accept the fact that he lives alone without any family members or friends by his side. The town was always crowded, filled with laughter and amazing memories. Jackson felt lonely and wondered why people still didn’t pay attention to him. He began to realize that he was being too harsh on the citizens just for the attention he desired. He visited Booky’s library. Everybody was shocked. They didn’t expect the government to take a trip to the library all by himself. Jackson felt guilty and confessed how he feels after the ridiculous law he created. He apologized in front of everybody in presence. People were happy he admitted his wrongdoing. Although he decided to take back the law he had passed down, every single electronic devices, electricity, and technologies were gone. The citizens promised him that they will invite him to every single event in town and never leave him out. Jackson was finally satisfied with his life.

The author's comments:

This fictional story contains government controlling the lives of citizens for his own benefits and satisfaction.

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