when there was no technology | Teen Ink

when there was no technology

October 8, 2021
By Anonymous

         What if the world lost all its technology or it just stopped working, and we had no why to fix it?

          The world would plumet into fear and people would act different loss contact with friends, family and start doing crimes, the government wouldn’t be able to explain what’s going on and the public would realize that what they had might ever come back. The bigger cites would start to loss control and there would be groups of gangs all around the cities, people aren’t your friends anymore and you have to fend for yourself.

          I had to join one of the groups that where more neutral and farmed, you would find people out at night more and there would be groups of them patrolling looking for any stragglers trying to get them and work for them, they were treated poorly, and they would escape but die because of their injurie. The more inferior groups had to join others to survive and if they couldn’t be attacked because of their low numbers and the suppliance they had. One of the bigger group’s leader Antonio had taken over the city and moving out word and soon they would reach us, even so we had joined a bigger grouped and established are self really well if we were to clash there would be a big disturbing gap of power and the people we would lose form a conflict like that would make smaller groups more active and try to take control.

       The fight will start in the next fallowing days and there’s already been tracks of people coming close and scouting around but we have caught them, there has also been a shortage of animals and there appeasements has maid are supplies shorten, we won’t win against Antonio’s group.

         The battle has started, and we have already lost a section of the river, will have to fall back and try getting it back in a day or less but without any of the stuff we had in the modern world it’ll be hard to communicate with the other camps.

         Seven hours have already past, and we are prepared to take the part we lost back.

        The had seen the smoke signals and have been sending some of there man, Ones the battle started we has a siege around them, they were dazed they didn’t expect us to be there so soon and we proceeded to push there defenses and reached the end of the river the land that was taken we got back and some more, there was also another faction with then same goals as us so they send people over there to make an agreement and take down the bigger group in the city and split the territory.

     Once the agreement was settled we started to send groups into the city and meet up with them factions groups so we can start moving people out of the area and have a camp set up there so are units can rest or get supplies, from there we started to move to the middle and spread there forces this lasted a week and it was  very troublesome getting the out of some buildings but it was done and we where able to move in will still having people in the other area we control.

      By having access to this area we were able to get more control over the neighboring groups and have more people join us.

The author's comments:

this is when stuff stop working and the world has no govermnet and no one to stop people so they get in group to control areas in citys and face other gruops

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