Cashed out | Teen Ink

Cashed out

October 14, 2021
By Anonymous

           The year was 3000, the city something out of the ordinary, everyday life way abnormally stranger than you could have ever imagined.

           Michael Bills, a husband, and father to five children, always enjoyed paying his bills on time, faster than the speed of light, but with the shortage of money, lately, he’s been having to pay his bills a little later than usual. Although he wasn’t the happiest man alive over this, he knew it was something that was necessary to do to save as much money as possible. In order to cut costs, Bills forced his family to do a few things that included, not using their phones for too long, taking shorter showers than usual, and not using a lot of electricity often, as if they were cheapskates. To make matters worse, the mayor in office at the time didn’t make any efforts to help the community out. After four years, millions of people had died, another few million near death, and their loved ones had enough of it. With election time nearing the current mayor Careless Bob didn’t have any way of convincing the community to reelect to the point that he didn’t even manage to receive one vote for him. The new mayor Joe Priceless vowed to live up to his last name, and passed a bill that made everything free until the money shortage ended. Within days of the bill passing, death rates plummeted dramatically, hospital beds and stores shelves were near empty, and the city was able to get back on its feet. Michael Bills and his family were delighted than the entire world combined. Michael could pay his bills on time once again, his family could be comfortable in their own house again, and have their forms of entertainment back again. All was good until, many common items essential for human survival were, slowly but surely, starting to go out of stock, it was like a ghost town. Producers couldn’t do anything but watch as they tried to get shelves back alive as fast and efficiently as possible, causing them to have to work what seemed like every second of the year. It was one conflict after the next, however, they always find appropriate solutions for every situation that comes their way.

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