I Wouldn't, I couldn't | Teen Ink

I Wouldn't, I couldn't

October 26, 2021
By psub2008 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
psub2008 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I ran. The wind was slamming against my face with force bringing tears to my eyes, but I wouldn’t stop, I couldn’t. Even though the frigid temperatures were turning my fingertips and my toes blue, I wouldn’t stop running, I couldn’t. Corner after corner I ran as rain started pouring into the streets and into my eyes. I could hear my heart beating loudly as I climbed hill after hill. No matter what, I wouldn’t stop running, I couldn’t. Tears formed in my eyes, but I wouldn’t release them, I couldn’t. I looked at the ground, my feet wet, barely touching the ground for two seconds. I slipped and my knee bust open, but I got up and wouldn’t stop running, I couldn’t. What was I running from? Everything.

The author's comments:

I wrote this for a school assignment.

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